Názov: A near equitable 2-person cake cutting algorithm
Autor (i): K. Cechlárová a E. Pillárová
Názov: An efficient implementation of the equilibrium algorithm for housing markets with duplicate houses
Autor (i): K. Cechlárová a E. Jelínková
Názov: An alternative description of Gabor spaces and Gabor-Toeplitz operators
Autor (i): O. Hutník a M. Hutníkov
This is a preprint of an article published in Rep. Math. Phys. 66(2) (2010), 237-250. The original publication is available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00344877
Názov: Orthogonal decompositions in growth curve models
Autor (i): I. Žežula a D. Klein
Názov: Facial parity edge colouring of plane pseudographs
Autor (i): J. Czap, S. Jendroľ, F. Kardoš a R. Soták
Názov: Parity vertex colouring of plane graphs
Autor (i): J. Czap, S. Jendroľ a M. Voigt
Názov: Complementary quasiorder lattices of monounary algebras
Autor (i): D. Jakubíková-Studenovská a M. Petrejčíková
Názov: Optimization of an SMD placement machine and flows in parametric networks
Autor (i): K. Cechlárová a T. Fleiner
Názov: Records in non-life insurance
Autor (i): V. Skřivánková a M. Juhás
Názov: Computing the deficiency of housing markets with duplicate houses
Autor (i): K. Cechlárová a I. Schlotter
Názov: Characterization of standard extreme value distributions using records
Autor (i): V. Skřivánková a M. Juhás
Názov: Workshop Cycles and Colourings 2010
Autor (i): I. Fabrici, M. Horňák a S. Jendroľ, ed.