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International Cooperation – Research Laboratories

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PsychoLab RB

Psychological Lab of Risk Behaviour
Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health
Faculty of Arts
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Research and projects
The scientific research

The research of the Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health is mainly focused on psychological factors associated with risk behaviour of adolescents and college students and conducts national as well as international studies on these topics. Furthermore, the department also leads and participates in large evaluation studies (RCTs) regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of drug use prevention programs aimed at adolescents and college students.


Current projects and studies

Project JUST-2019-AG-DRUGS (IMPRESA) Implementing Methamphetamine Prevention Strategies into Action is focused on the selection and implementation of specific intervention packages aimed at preventing methamphetamine use in selected European cities. For more information click here.

Project IMPACT-C19 (International and Multidimensional Perspectives on the Impact of Covid-19 across Generations) is led by prof. Radosveta Dimitrova, Stockholm university under the research initiative of the American Psychological Association (APA). The main aim of the project is to examine the impact, perceptions and experiences of Covid-19 among young people and established adults in a multidimensional and international perspective. We will participate with the group of adolescents.

The International Study of Emotional Intelligence is led by a research team from Slovenia, the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana. The study mainly examines the role of the emotional intelligence in the hedonic and eudaimonic well-being among university students in the context of different cultures. Thanks to our cooperation on the project, Slovak university students are also involved in the research, in addition to university students from Slovenia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, India, Russia and other countries.

The international study “Motivating ‘buy in’ to engage in social distancing” under the leadership of Prof. Nicolete Legate from the prestigious University of Illinois Institute of Technology in the United States uses experimental design to focus on ways of communication and its impact on individuals’ behavior in restricting social contacts as a way to limit the spread of COVID-19.

The international study COVID-19 Multi-Country Student Well-being Study has formed a consortium of 25 countries, coordinated by the University of Antwerpen in Belgium, to examine the impact of the new coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic on university students – on their lives, studies and mental health. More information will be available soon.

The International Sex Survey (ISS) under the leadership of the Department of Psychology at the Canadian University of Montreal, covering 45 countries from all over the world, aims to: (1) validate publicly available scales that can reliably assess different sexual behaviors that may be used in future research and practice, (2) examine risk and protective factors contributing to problematic and non-problematic sexual behaviors (with special attention to compulsive behaviors and problematic pornography use), and (3) identify populations being at risk of developing problematic sexual behaviors that may be targeted in preventions and interventions. All original information about the survey is available here. The coordinators for the Slovak part of the research are Mgr. Ondrej Kalina, PhD. ( and Prof. PhDr. Olga Orosova, CSc. Media partner: The News Agency of the Slovak Republic (TASR).

APVV-15-0662 Psychological mechanism of changes in risk behaviour of pupils and college students. Risk behaviour and emigration and migration intentions. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

Project VEGA 1/0523/20 Problem behaviour of adolescents. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the protective and risk factors. (Mgr. Mária Bačíková, PhD. – Principal Investigator)

Project VEGA 1/0371/20 Trends in the prevalence of adolescent risk behaviour. School-based randomized control trial aimed at the prevention of adolescent substance use in the Slovak Republic. (prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová, CSc.– Principal investigator)

The SLiCE study (Students Life Cohort in Europe) is an international longitudinal study concerned with various aspects of health and healthy behaviour of college students carried out by universities in 13 European countries. The aim of the study is to analyse the health and health-related behaviour as well as the life perspectives of college students and address the changes in these categories during the course of their studies. The study also aims to compare the health and health-related behaviour of university students of individual European countries and to identify the needs for intervention programs, which might improve the health of the students. The Executive Board of the study: Rafael Mikolajczyk, M.D. (DE), Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc. (SK), Prof. Guido Van Hal (BE).

The SLiCE 2 study is a follow-up to the SLiCE study. The study is trying to determine the life perspectives and emigration intensions of college students during their studies. The study is carried out in Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain and Ukraine.

UNPLUGGED – School program of universal prevention among students (supported by Ministry of Education of the Slovak republic – APVV-0253-11, APVV-15-0662 and VEGA 1/0623/17) is an interactive program based on the model of complex influence of social environment, which combines information-spreading strategies and life skill development strategies with raising awareness about possible impact of social influence on substance use among adolescents. The program was implemented in twelve European countries. In the school year 2017/2018, more than 700 pupils of 7th grade from 24 selected schools from all over Slovakia were involved in the project to examine the effectiveness of the “Unplugged” program. For further information click here.

The APVV-15-0662 project provided a framework for establishing a formal cooperation with Slovak primary schools in the field of research and implementation of the UNPLUGGED prevention program. The cooperation between the UPJŠ Faculty of Arts and 25 Slovak primary schools within the UNPLUGGED prevention program was formally confirmed by issuing certificates providing the primary schools with a status of a partner school.

Past projects

VEGA 1/0623/17 (2017-2019) An analysis of social and personal characteristics of adolescents in relation to indicators of risk behaviour in the context of family processes. Principal investigator: Mgr. Mária Bačíková, PhD.

KEGA 016UPJŠ-4/2017 Fidelity of “Unplugged”- a universal program for prevention of substance use in the Slovak elementary school environment. Principal investigator: PhDr. Anna Janovská, PhD.

VEGA1/0713/15 Intrapersonal and interpersonal factors of change in risk behavior of college students and their emigration intentions. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

APVV-0253-11 Drug use among adolescents and college students. Drug use prevention based on the research data. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

APVV-20-038205. Individual, interpersonal and social factors of risk behavior during adolescence and early adulthood. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

VEGA 1/1092/12 Life perspective and risk behavior of college students. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

VEGA 1/408/04 Socio-psychological analysis of risk behavior of college students. Effectiveness of drug addiction and AIDS prevention. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

VEGA 1/4518/07 Social competence, social intelligence and possibilities for their development. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

ÚVSR 1427/2011 Prevention of drug addiction and AIDS program for college students XI. with emphasis on policy making and implementation of alcohol policies in the academic environment. The oCAP initiative (on Campus Alcohol Policy). Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

NMCD 2012/31/54 Prevention of drug addiction and AIDS program for college students XII. Student advisory services in prevention of drug use with special emphasis on problematic alcohol use. Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Oľga Orosová CSc.

Most notable publications:

Bacikova-Sleskova, M., Benka, j., Orosová, O. (2019). Parental behavioural control and parental knowledge in early adolescence. A person-oriented approach. Current Psychology, advanced online publication.

Gajdošová, B., Orosová, O. (2019). Vybrané psychologické faktory súvisiace s emigračnými zámermi trvalého odchodu vysokoškolákov do zahraničia Československá psychologie: časopis pro psychologickou teorii a praxi, 63(3), 249-264.

Bačíková, M. (2019). Psychológia rodičovskej kontroly v dospievaní. (Psychology of parental control in adolescence). Šafárik Press Košice. ISBN 978-80-8152-729-6, s. 156.

Gajdošová, B., Orosová, O., Benka, J. (2018) Resilience, Authenticity, Emotionality, and Vulnerability to Alcohol Dependence among Slovak University Students. Adiktologie, odborný časopis pro prevenci, léčbu a výzkum závislostí, 18(3-4), 163-171.

Štefaňáková, M., Orosová O., Janovská A. (2018). The Role of Teachers in the Correction of Descriptive Normative Beliefs. Adiktologie, odborný časopis pro prevenci, léčbu a výzkum závislostí, 18(3–4), 207–213.

Hricová, L., Orosová, O., Bačíková, M. (2018). Disordered eating in the context of Self-determination theory. Current Psychology, 1-10.

Bačíková, M., Hricová, L., Orosová, O. (2018). Changes and stability in family processes in early adolescence. Československá psychologie, 62(3), 197-211.

Orosová, O., Gajdošová, B. (eds.). (2017). Emigration intentions and risk behaviour among university students. P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Košice, 328s. ISBN 978-80-8152-562-9. Online in PDF

Berinšterová, M., Orosová, O. Miovský, M. (2016). Vkladanie nádeje významných dospelých a užívanie alkoholu a tabakových cigariet medzi dospievajúcimi: Mediačný efekt sebakontroly. Československá psychologie, 60(2), 106-119.

Brutovská, M, Orosová, O. Kalina, O. (2016). Normatívne presvedčenia, postoje ku konzumácii alkoholu a konzumácia alkoholu u slovenských vysokoškolákov. Československá psychologie, 60(3), 266-277.

Helmer, S., Sebena, R. McAlaney, J., Petkeviciene, J., Salonna, F. & Mikolajczyk, R.T. (2016). Perception of High Alcohol Use of Peers Is Associated With High Personal Alcohol Use in First- Year University Students in Three Central and Eastern European Countries. Substance Use and Misuse, DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2016.1162810

Bacikova-Sleskova, M., Benka, J., & Orosova, O. (2015). Parental employment status and adolescents’ health: the role of financial situation, parent-adolescent relationship and adolescents’ resilience. Psychology & health, 30(4), 400-422.

Berinšterová, M., Janovská, A., Gajdošová, B., Kalina, O., Bačíková, M. (2015). Health-related behavior among schoolchildren. Unplugged-Drug use prevention program in Slovakia. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafária v Košiciach. Online in PDF

Orosová, O., Brutovská, M., Benka, J., Bavoľár, J., Šebeňa, R., Hricová, L. (2015). Health-risk behavior among university students. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Online in PDF

Gajdošová, B.(2013). Päťfaktorový model osobnosti a správanie súvisiace so zdravím u dospievajúcich. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

Gajdošová, B., Hvozdík, S., Janovská, A., Sedlák Vendelová, N. (2012). Univerzitné poradenské centrum. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafária v Košiciach.

Orosová, O., Janovská, A., Kopuničová, V., Vaňová, M. (2012). Základy prevencie užívania drog a problematického používania interntetu v školskej praxi. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. 

Bačíková, M., Benka, J., Gajdošová, B., Kalina, O., Orosová, O., Salonna, F., Sedlák Vendelová, N. (2011). Alma Alcohol Mater. Názory študentov na konzumáciu alkoholu a alkoholové polititky v univerzitnom prostredí. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

Orosová, O.,Madarasová-Gecková, A., Šléšková, M., Gajdošová, B., Lazarová, B. (2005). Psychológia a pedagogická psychológia I. Vybrané kapitoly zo všeobecnej, vývinovej, sociálnej a pedagogickej psychológie pre učiteľov. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

Orosová, O., Gajdošová, B., Salonna, F. (2007). Prevencia a prediktívne faktory užívania drog. Košice, Harlequin

Orosová, O., Gajdosova, B., Bacikova-Sleskova, M., Salonna, F., Sebena, R. (2009). Health-related behaviour among adolescents and young adults. Košice, Equilibria. 


In 2018 the cooperation with our international partners on “Emigration intentions of university students” started:

1. Sofia University, Bulgaria
2. Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
3. University of Miskolc, Hungary
4. University of Health Sicences, Lithuania
5. University of Antwerp, Belgium
6. Uzhorod National University, Ukraine
7. Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
8. In 2018 our research team also joined the international study: The International study of emotional intelligence: University of Ljubljana, University of Rijeka
9. University of Hamburg (Germany)
10. Prof. Dr. Saul Neves de Jesus (University of Algarve, Portugal)

By obtaining the agreement of the Ethics committee of the P.J. Šafárik University, the department became a part of the research team of the international project “SLiCE” (Student Behavior and Life Perspective Cohort study in Europe) for Slovakia in 2010. For this project, the department is cooperating with the following universities:

In 2011, by obtaining the agreement of the Ethics committee, our academic staff was able to start cooperating on the international project Social Norms Intervention for the Prevention of Polydrug Use (SNIPE), DPIP Project No. JUST/2009/DPIP/AG/0964. In this project, the department is cooperating with the following universities:

The department is cooperating with the Department of Addictology of the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and General Faculty Hospital in Prague on the APVV-0253-11 project called UNPLUGGED- Drug use among adolescents and college students. Drug use prevention based on the research data.

In the academic year 2009/2010, the Department, via the international grant agency “Erasmus”, signed research and education collaboration agreements with Masaryk University in Brno and University of South Denmark in Esbjerg.

The academic staff of the department serves regularly in the peer- review process of articles in current content journals and other indexed journals, conference abstracts and contributions, as well as national scientific research projects. The staff members are also members of international scientific associations and regularly take part at national and international conferences and serve as chairs of conference sections.

Conferences hosted by the department

Substance use prevention program Unplugged among Slovak schoolchildren. Implementation of research findings into practice of school psychologists

Psychologia Cassoviensis 2014

For more information about the Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health, please visit our website

For more information about the Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health in Slovak, please visit our website


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Study at UPJŠ