Bachelor Study Programme – European Public Administration
Chairperson (the person responsible for the study programme)
doc. Ing. Silvia Ručinská, PhD., university professor
doc. Mgr. Iveta Jeleňová, PhD.
doc. Mgr. Gabriela Kravčáková, PhD.
doc. JUDr. Mgr. Michal Jesenko, PhD.
Jozef Bakalár – students’ representative
Antónia Palčisková – students’ representative
Mgr. Mária Hrehová, PhD. – employers’ representative
Mgr. Terézia Kudlová – employers’ representative
Master Study Programme – European Public Administration
Chairperson (the person responsible for the study programme)
doc. Ing. Silvia Ručinská, PhD., university professor
doc. Mgr. Iveta Jeleňová, PhD.
doc. JUDr. Mgr. Michal Jesenko, PhD.
Bc. Michaela Balážová – students’ representative
Mgr. Katerina Miklei – students’ representative
Mgr. Mária Hrehová, PhD. – employers’ representative
Mgr. Terézia Kudlová – employers’ representative
Bachelor Study Programme – Public Administration
Chairperson (the person responsible for the study programme)
doc. JUDr. Martin Vernarský, PhD.
doc. Ing. Anna Čepelová, PhD.
doc. JUDr. Vladimíra Žofčinová, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Richard Geffert, Ph.D.
prof. Dr. Ivan Halász, Ph.D.
Mgr. Peter Berinšter – employers’ representative
PhDr. Martina Pastorová – employers’ representative
Master Study Programme – Public Administration
Chairperson (the person responsible for the study programme)
prof. Dr. Ivan Halász, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Anna Čepelová, PhD.
doc. JUDr. Vladimíra Žofčinová, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Richard Geffert, Ph.D.
doc. JUDr. Martin Vernarský, PhD.
Mgr. Peter Berinšter – employers’ representative
PhDr. Martina Pastorová – employers’ representative
Bachelor Study Programme – Information Systems in Public Administration
Chairperson (the person responsible for the study programme)
doc. JUDr. Peter Molitoris, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Lenka Lachytová, PhD., MBA
doc. RNDr. JUDr. Pavol Sokol, PhD.
JUDr. Ivana Urdzíková – employers’ representative
AR 2014/2015
AR 2015/2016
AR 2016/2017
AR 2017/2018
AR 2018/2019
AR 2019/2020
AR 2020/2021 – The Evaluation of the Online Teaching Process
AR 2021/2022
AR 2022/2023