We invite you to
41. Prírodovedecká čajovňa,
which will take place on Thursday 19.10.2023 at 13:30 in Angela Merici’s study room, Park Angelinum 9.

Téma: How AI will change higher education
Krisztián Gál
EIT Digital
Shaping AI Education for Innovation and Growth
Ľubomír Antoni
Institute of Computer Science
Generative Artificial Intelligence Solutions and Challenges
Jozef Hanč
Institute of Physics
How STEM Education Meets AI: Tips, Recommendations and Insights.
Introductory presentations will be followed by a discussion of the technological, didactic ethical and legal challenges posed by the emergence of AI.
Related links:
- EIT Digital – Europe’s largest digital ecosystem
- AI SlovakIA – National platform for the AI development in Slovakia
- EU AI Act – EU legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence
- Artificial intelligence and CERAI
- EDIH Cassovium – European Digital Innovation Hub based in Košice
- AI writing detection in APS Turnitin