The overall objective of the project is to increase the quality of higher education through the design and pilot implementation of 14 educational modules for the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the environmental field.
Grant Number: 312011F057
Call: KA220-HED Kooperačné partnerstvá v oblasti vysokoškolského vzdelávania
Topic: Erasmus+
Total Budget: 400 000.00 EUR
The overall objective of the project is to increase the quality of higher education through the design and pilot implementation of 14 educational modules for the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the environmental field. Possible studies and projects aimed at solving environmental problems will be created within the project (e.g. applications of artificial intelligence to solve problems with plastics in the environment, challenges related to air pollution).
The project consortium consists of
The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is involved in the project through research groups from the Institute of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science, which deal with the issues of data analysis and artificial intelligence. The leaders of the teams are Gabriel Semanišin and Ľubomír Antoni.