Management of the Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
Science and Technology Week in Slovakia 2023,
invites students, teachers and the general public to events organized within
which will take place between November 6, 2023 and November 12, 2023
Institute of Physics
event name: The big bang and the future of the
event type: lecture
start of the event: 09.11.2023
end of event: 09.11.2023
event time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
target group of the event: youth
brief description of the event: In the lecture, we will talk about the Big Bang Theory – why we think that the Universe was created by the Big Bang. We will describe the most important moments in the history of the Universe, such as the formation of atomic nuclei and atoms themselves. We will discuss what role Dark Matter played in the past and what role Dark Energy will play in the future.
organizer: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
venue: Gymnasium of Pavol Orságh Hviezdoslav in Kežmarok, Hviezdoslavova 20, 060 14 Kežmarok