Summer school on biophotonics
The course aim is to address the task of improving the theoretical as well as practical knowledge of doctoral students in advanced methods of biophotonics
21. April 2023
Summer school on Directed evolution of proteins
This school will be joint with the Workshop on Directed Evolution of Proteins, where experts will present lectures on protein evolution
Workshop on directed evolution of proteins
Workshop will be devoted to the current state of computational and experimental methods of protein evolution, methods of protein expression and purification
Symposium on directed evolution of proteins
The symposium on directed evolution of proteins will take place within the European project CasProt
Workshop: How to automate space science
Let's imagine space science as the following pipeline: space phenomena → data → information → knowledge. Is it possible to automate all these steps?
17. February 2023
Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics
48th edition of MECO conference in Congress Center Academia, Stará Lesná, Slovakia on May 22nd-26th, 2023
13. February 2023
Career Day
University Counselling Centre invites you to the seventh annual Career Day, which will take place on Wednesday, April 19, 2023!
26. January 2023
Meet your inner critic
Do you remember the last time you were critical to yourself by asking: “How could I have done such a thing?” or
Learning to learn (webinar)
Have you ever learned to learn? If your answer is NO, this webinar is for you.