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Magister level

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Magister level


Study programs in Physics


Magister level (Mgr.):

two-year study in programs:

  • Theoretical physics and astrophysics with specializations:

    • astronomy and astrophysics,
    • theoretical physics.
  • The aim of the study is to prepare absolvents for the independent solution of research tasks at institutions performing fundamental and applied research.
    Absolvents have knowledge from classical and quantum physics, computational and matematical physics, astronomy and astrophysics, have managed experimental methods of material research, computer programming and automatisation of experiments, algorithmisation of mathematico-physical models, which provide suitable framework also for the solution of problems releted to social sciences and economy.
    The study is profiled according to selected disciplines, such as solid-state structure, low-temperature physics, physics of metals and solid-state magnatism, computational physics, quantum field theory, the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, theroretical astrophysics and cosmology, variable stars and dual stars.
    Individual approach provide students opportunity for independent work and participation on solution of research problems solved within the domestic and international research projects. Students of astronomy and astrophysics can utilise the largest Slovak telescopes and, within the international cooperation, also the other world equipment. It is possible to spend part of the study at partner universities abroad, involved in the international program ERASMUS, as well as participate on summer schools of physics, organised annually by large research centers (DESY-Hamburg, CERN-Geneva, ESRF-Grenoble, ESO-Garching) and to obtain unique experience of study and work at international level – the activity enjoyed by many of students.

    Absolvent is ready:
    to continue the study at the doctoral level (PhD. study),
    to work as a teacher and/or research worker at domestic or foreign universities and research institution,
    to work as programmer and system analytic,
    to qualify as a profesionally specialised manager.

  • Physics of condensed matter

    Physics of condensed matter represents the part of physics, the products of which we encounter in various areas of human activities. This is especially due to design and preparation of new progressive materials, which have decisive role and influence development of information technologies, sensors and recording technology, automotive industry, space technology and medicinal applications.
    During the study future absolvents prepare to solve physical projects, utilising state of the art experimental equipment, unique not only in Slovakia, but also in the world. They are professionally supervised by world-known research workers.
    Professional competence of absolvents allows for qualified connection between the theory and practice and creative approach to the problem solving from various areas, ensuring high demand of them in labour market. Interdisciplinary character of study gives to absolvents wide range of opportunities in Slovakia, but also abroad, in managerial and independent worker positions in private companies as: US Steel, BOSCH, SIEMENS, MOLEX, NESS etc.

  • Nuclear and subnuclear physics

    Nuclear and subnuclear physics brings principal knowledge about the fundamental structure of matter and interactions at distances smaller than the dimensons of atomic nuclei ~10-15 m.
    The content of the study comprise cosmic physics, fundamentals of quantum physics and quantum field theory, interactions of cosmic high-energy particles with electromagnetic field and matter, experimental data aquisition methods, their processing and physical analysis based on utilisation of high-performance computational technique (PC-farms, GRID), modern programming languages and new information-communication technologies. The profiling disciplines of the study are chromodynamics, physics of elementary particles, experimental methods and applied nuclear physics – oriented toward clinical dosimetry, nuclear medicine, diagnostic methods and isotope methods.
    The study program takes advantage of good infrastructure and background provided by partner institutions in Košice, namely Institute of Experimental Physics SAS and the Department of Nuclear medicine and radiology of the Faculty Hospital in Košice.
    Continuous growth of practical applications in related scientific disciplines and techniques (nuclear sources of energy, nuclear medicine, diagnostics, isotope methods, dosimetric control of environment, utilisation of radiation and radionuclides in technical applications, space weather etc.) creates demand for absolvents of the study and provides them wide opportunities for application in praxis.

  • Teaching of academic disciplines in combination with physics

    The study is aimed at mastering the teaching practice based on active students participation, interactive demonstrations, utilisation of modern didactic techniques and information technologies, use of internet and multimedia in both presence and distance forms of e-lerning education. Besides the specific education in physics and didactics, profiling disciplines comprise utilisation of multimedia in education, modern didactic techniques, utilisation of modern information-communication technlogies etc., in modern, well equipped school laboratories.
    Absolvent of the study will find application as a teacher at elementary school, high school and university, research worker at scienticic institute, school agency, computational center. After the absolving subsequent doctoral studies in Theory of didactics of physics he is also qualified to work in methodologico-pedagogical center, or as the researcher in the area of reasearch and management of education.

Study at UPJŠ