Traditionally, at the beginning of the year, the management of the faculty meets with current and former long-term employees of the faculty, who in the previous year celebrated a significant jubilee of 65, 70, 75 and more years of age. The employees of our faculty who have terminated their employment at UPJŠ in Košice at the end of the previous year are also invited to the meeting.
This event is not only a space to meet with current jubilant employees, but especially with former long-time colleagues. It is a space for expressing appreciation of their work for the faculty, but also a space for reminiscing and rich discussion on various topics.

This year, on 31 January 2024, Assoc. Prof. Marian Kireš, Assoc. Prof. Michal Gallay and the Chairman of the Academic Senate of Faculty of Science Assoc. Prof. Juraj Ševc, on behalf of the Dean of the Faculty, met with the jubilarians.

Of the twenty-four invited guests, the following accepted the invitation: Prof. Peter Fedoročko, Prof. Vladimír Lisý, Assoc. Prof. Ľubomír Panigaj, Assoc., Prof. Zuzana Daxnerová, Assoc. Prof. Marián Trenkler, Assoc. Prof. Katarína Kimáková, Assist. Prof. Iveta Sováková, Mrs. Helena Martinová, Mr.Vladimír Martin, Mrs. Alica Veľková, Mrs. Eva Pitoňáková, Mr. Štefan Petrila, Mr. Ladislav Nigut, Mrs. Viola Samková, Mrs. Jolana Vlčeková and Mrs.Jolana Vojtasová.
The following excused themselves from the meeting: Prof. Pavol Miškovský, Prof. Danica Studenovská, Ing. Tatiana Bušová, Assist. Prof. Daniela Kladeková, Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Repický and Mgr. Soňa Molnárová.
Congratulations to all jubilarians!