Artificial Intelligence is penetrating all areas of society at a very fast pace, bringing new opportunities for the development of almost all disciplines.
For this reason, a professional seminar for librarians of all types of libraries (not only) of the Košice region on the topic “How to effectively use artificial intelligence at work” was held on 22.10.2024 in cooperation with the University Library of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik.
The seminar was led by doc. RNDr. Ľubomír Antoni, PhD. from the Institute of Computer Science of the Faculty of Science of UPJŠ and Bc. Barbora Ľapinová, student of the Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence study programme. The participants of the seminar were introduced to the history of the development of artificial intelligence, selected tools using artificial intelligence and the possibilities how to use them in library practice.
The seminar was supported by the Slovak Library Association within the “Partnership or Let’s Join Forces 2024” programme.