Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice started the international project TERRITORY (January 11, 2024) funded by the “NATO Science for Peace and Security” programme. The project focuses on the development of an electrochemical sensor with a software application as a comprehensive testing solution for the detection of various bionalytes, pollutants, viruses without the need for medical personnel.
The project will be implemented and managed by the scientific team of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science under the leadership of the principal investigator Dr. Ivana Šišoláková.

The steps to achieve the project goal involve preparation of new materials for modification of electrochemical sensors, their characterization, determination of analytes and development of software application. An international team of experts will collaborate on these steps. The international consortium consists of three universities and the bussiness sector. The principal investigator of the project is the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The partner universities are Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín and the Technical University of Vienna. The partner companies include the German companies Theion and Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia (DTSYSK). The great advantage of the project is that the development of a new software application for easier interpretation of the acquired data and self-testing will be carried out in cooperation with a strong partner with extensive experience in the IT field.
The project, with a total budget of 345,000 EUR, will be carried out over a 36-month period from January 11, 2024 until January, 11 2027.