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Laser scanning – the key to detecting darkroom surfaces

Laser scanning of the landscape makes it possible to capture the three-dimensional structure of the Earth’s surface and the objects on it with high accuracy and detail on the order of millimetres. In the form of a dense 3D point cloud, in addition to recording the geometry, it also provides other complementary attributes, among which … Continued
26. January 2023


Associate Professor Almáši from the Institute of Chemistry received the prestigious award „Exceptional Personality of Science in Slovakia“ under 35 years of age

The human tear “connected” science with art

The aim of the pilot scientific-artistic project is to expound the results of the researchers' work of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University and the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice to the general public by means of images, which refer to an interesting diagnostical potential of the original view of the human tear fluid in case of various illnesses.

Open Door Day – 7th February 2019

Open Door Day starts at 8:30 am with meeting successful faculty graduates, their interesting contributions and discussion about their experience at the Faculty and their successful implementation in practice.

Study at UPJŠ