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Science and Technology Week in Slovakia 2023

Management of the Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice Science and Technology Week in Slovakia 2023, invites students, teachers and the general public to events organized within which will take place between November 6, 2023 and November 12, 2023
30. October 2023

Admissions for PhD study in academic year 2023/2024

The Dean of the Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice announces of admission process for full-time and part-time Doctoral studies in the academic year 2023/2024 in the following accredited study programs ( PhD study program guarantee Applied Mathematics prof. RNDr. Katarína Cechlárová, DrSc. Discrete Mathematica prof. RNDr. Tomáš Madaras, PhD. … Continued
20. March 2023

Microorganisms: A Key to Understanding Hypericin Biosynthesis

The team of Department of Genetics, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice under the leadership of prof. RNDr. Eva Čellárová, DrSc. has been engaged in research of natural compounds with significant pharmacological and therapeutic potential for many years.
17. February 2023

Get to know your future faculty at UPJŠ!

Dear high school students, In February, you will have a unique opportunity to get to know our university even better. We already presented basic information about the university and what we offer to our students at the end of October last year at the...
26. January 2023

Laser scanning – the key to detecting darkroom surfaces

Laser scanning of the landscape makes it possible to capture the three-dimensional structure of the Earth’s surface and the objects on it with high accuracy and detail on the order of millimetres. In the form of a dense 3D point cloud, in addition to recording the geometry, it also provides other complementary attributes, among which … Continued


Associate Professor Almáši from the Institute of Chemistry received the prestigious award „Exceptional Personality of Science in Slovakia“ under 35 years of age

Study at UPJŠ