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First Lego League

Regional Challenge Tournament and Explore Festival also this year at the Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafarik University in Košice
7. February 2024

Meeting with jubilarians

Traditionally, at the beginning of the year, the management of the faculty meets with current and former long-standing employees of the faculty who have celebrated a significant jubilee in the previous year.
5. February 2024

Open Day

The Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice cordially invites those interested in studies to the Open Day
22. January 2024

New professor from the Faculty of Science

On Tuesday, 12 December 2023, the President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel officially handed over the appointment decrees to the new professors in the Grand Auditorium of the Karolinum in Prague. One of the newly appointed professors is prof. RNDr. Zuzana Vargová, Ph.D. in the field of inorganic chemistry.
14. December 2023

Project AI-BOOST

The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University is a member of the consortium of the EU-funded project, which aims to create and run highly replicable AI open innovation competitions.
22. November 2023

New Members of the University Management

On 7 November, the Rector of UPJŠ in Košice, Professor Daniel Pella, entrusted the representative of the Faculty of Science of UPJŠ, Professor Jaroslav Hofierka, with the function of Vice-Rector for the Concept and Quality of Education. At the same time, the Rector entrusted Associate Professor Renáta Orosová from the Faculty of Arts with the … Continued
8. November 2023

Study at UPJŠ