In the second week of September, the 10 best participants of the 1st year of the Chemical School in Košice participated at a seminar at the Institute of Chemistry. Seminar was the reward for successful solving of interesting and unconventional tasks.
What is the Chemistry School at ÚCHV PF UPJŠ in Košice?

The Chemistry School is a competition intended for all secondary school students (grammar schools and secondary schools specializing in chemistry) who enjoy chemistry and who want to learn and discover more. It is divided into three stages. The first two stages are focused on theoretical preparation through solving the tasks from 4 sections. Pupils solve tasks from home and submit them online by the set deadline. Subsequently, they have the opportunity to consult their solutions during online seminars directly with the authors, who would also inform them how successful they were. The third stage of the school is a week-long seminar for the 10 best competitors, who have the opportunity not only to try practical exercises thematically linked to theoretical tasks, but also to visit other collaborating workplaces and find out how chemistry is studied at the Faculty of Science of the UPJŠ.
Competition conditions
Students in grades 1–3 can participate in the competition year of four-year grammar schools and secondary schools or of the respective class of bilingual and eight-year grammar schools. The tasks are the same for all categories, but the results are evaluated for each category separately. Each section of tasks, as well as each task in a given section, is scored separately. Partial (incomplete) solutions, submitted on time, are also accepted. Interested parties and registered participants can use the MS Teams chat or the email address for communication .
And how was the 1st year?
For the first year, 164 applicants registered and 56 of them participated actively and solved the tasks. They solved problems in the field of inorganic, analytical, organic chemistry and biochemistry. The topics of the tasks were: (1) CARBON – THE MAIN BUILDING ELEMENT OF LIVING AND NON-LIVING NATURE; (2) COLORS REVEAL A LOT; (3) BENZENE AND AROMATIC COMPOUNDS; (4) CHEMISTRY OF LIFE FROM THE BOTTOM.
The reward for the 10 most successful participants was a week-long seminar that took place on September 9-13, 2024. A rich program was prepared for young chemistry enthusiasts. In addition to practical exercises in our laboratories, we prepared a series of professional lectures for them, where they could learn what chemistry means in practice, that “scientific chemistry is also for real life”, that we also have a chemical industry in Slovakia, driven by the idea of “eco-friendly chemistry”. Our young promising colleagues had the opportunity to visit other collaborating workplaces and operating laboratories. Last but not least, we tried to show that “students don’t have to travel far for quality studies and practical application!”
But our participants had the opportunity to “experience” not only chemistry! They took a break from school , made new friends, enjoyed Košice and had fun in the theater.
More from the participants themselves and their teachers who shared their impressions.
’’The chemistry seminar was an unforgettable experience! The theoretical part difficult, but honestly, it was WORTH IT! I learned a lot of new information while writing and solving the tasks, during the practical part in the labs an incredible number of possibilities for the future will open up for you. We became real students of UPJŠ for a week, had the opportunity to work with experts and had a lot of fun with people with whom we share the same interests. That’s why I believe it was an unforgettable experience.“ – Sarah Hubinská
’’Although it only lasted 5 days, it gave me a lot. A lot of new knowledge, both theoretical and especially practical in the laboratory. I met wonderful people with similar interests as mine and found out what opportunities one has after graduating from such a university. It is almost impossible to evaluate the whole thing in a few words because it was perfect, and I am extremely satisfied and grateful that I could be there. A huge thank you to the organizers, they did a great job and I definitely recommend participating and giving it a try :).“ – Eliza Koščová
’’The topics of the sections were interesting and the tasks manageable. The first two rounds introduced me to biochemistry and analytical chemistry, I didn’t have the opportunity to familiarize with them at school, so I also learned something new. The seminar was focused on both practice and excursions, which I rate as very positive. We had the opportunity to work in laboratories where we gained new skills and saw different instruments and other equipment in laboratories. The excursions were interesting, and we could see for ourselves the use of chemistry in practice. Of course, we also got to know Košice and visited the National Theatre. In addition to the labs, we also had lectures on interesting topics, I learned something new and enjoyed it at the same time, and the lecturers made it interesting for us. Overall, I’m very happy that I participated, I learned something new, I met new people and the teachers were great.“ – Ondrej Gibas
’’I would like to thank you and the team for organising the Chemistry School. Solving the tasks was enriching for us and at the same time it was something above and beyond the curriculum, which of course moves us further (not only students, but also teachers). Despite the difficulty of the tasks, we tried to study as much as possible and get close to the results. I really liked the assignments, which were explained with understanding despite the difficulty of the tasks. 🙂 Thank you also for the seminar explaining the tasks.
On behalf of myself and my student, who is a natural student of chemistry, we thank you once again for the opportunity to participate, and I strongly believe that this chemistry school will become a tradition.” – Ms. teacher from Levoča
And because of such feedback it is worthwhile for us to create a space for collective activities such as the Chemistry School. To provide space for gifted students and develop their knowledge even remotely. Capture talents that represent an important potential for the further development of our environment. To create space and set the conditions for further cooperation between us, the university teachers and secondary school teachers.
The patronage of the Chemical School was also taken over by the Dean of the Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice, doc. RNDr. Roman Soták, PhD. And we already know that we won’t just stop at the 1st year.
Thank you!