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Our scientists are doing cutting-edge science – Scientist of the Year 2023

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This year was held  the 27th annual awarding of outstanding Slovak scientific personalities from all fields of science and technology – Scientist of the Year of the Slovak Republic, which is announced annually by the Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Association of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies.

The aim of the event is to professionally and socially highlight the most important personalities of scientific life as well as the best achievements in science and research in Slovakia.

On 21 May 2024, the award ceremony of the Slovak Scientist of the Year 2023 took place in the Moyzes Hall of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava.

The evaluation committee selected five scientific personalities from 48 nominations, who won the award in the following categories:

  • Scientist of the Year
  • Young Scientist of the Year
  • Innovator of the Year
  • Technologist of the Year
  • International Cooperation Personality of the Year

The first two awards went to scientists from the Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

Professor Martin Orendáč from the Institute of Physics became the Scientist of the Year 2023 and the Young Scientist Award went to Dr. Ivana Šišoláková from the Institute of Chemistry. 

prof. Ing. Martin Orendáč, DrSc.

Award the Scientist of the Year 2023 he received for his significant scientific contributions in the field of molecular and low-dimensional magnetism, a multidisciplinary field that combines physics, chemistry, materials science and quantum technologies, and for his extensive publication activity in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and grant success. Professor Orendáč has also contributed to the development of the experimental base in the field of very low temperatures, introduced the methodology of electron paramagnetic resonance at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and leads the Department of Low Temperature Physics, whose infrastructure is also used by external users from Slovakia and abroad.

RNDr. Ivana Šišoláková, PhD.

Award the Young Scientist she received for building significant international cooperation and collaboration with the private sector and for her significant contribution in the field of research on non-enzymatic electrochemical sensors as new diagnostic methods. She is dedicated to the development of electrochemical sensors for disease diagnosis. During the coronavirus pandemic, her research focused primarily on the development of sensors for the diagnosis of viral diseases. She was a finalist for the ESET Science Award in 2021 and the EDEVIR team, of which she is member, has been named Science and Technology Team of the Year 2021. She is currently the leader of the international TERRITORY project, whose consortium is composed of foreign universities and companies

Congratulations to our award-winning scientists!

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