The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University has received a notification of fulfilment of conditions for the provision of funds from the POO mechanism for the project “Cyber Security Competence Centre at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (KC KB UPJŠ)”, ŽoPPM code 17R05-04-V01-00007.
The project is based on previous research in the field of cybersecurity at the Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and the Department of Business and Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, University of Košice, previous activities of the CSIRT-UPJŠ and services provided within the EDIH Cassovium project.
The aim of the project is to create a Cyber Security Competence Centre at UPJŠ, within which the following activities will be carried out
- educational activities
- research and expert activities in the field of information and cyber security, data protection, cybercrime and protection against disinformation
- international cooperation with foreign academic partners
- consultation on the possibility of preparing and submitting projects in the field of cyber security.
The expert guarantor of the project is Assoc. RNDr. JUDr. Pavol Sokol, PhD. et PhD. The core of the project team consists of JUDr. Laura Bachňáková Rózenfeldová, PhD., Ing. Jozef Jantošovič and doc. JUDr. Regina Hučková, PhD.