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Absolute victory of the Slovak University Startup Cup belongs to a PhD student from PF UPJŠ in Košice

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The non-profit organization Junior Chamber International – Slovakia (JCI) has been organizing the Slovak University Startup Cup competition for nine years, whose media partner is the daily Pravda.   On 26 June 2024 in Bratislava, the five best startups of this year’s edition were awarded and the absolute winner was announced.

The winner was Mgr. Miroslav Hennel from the Institute of Physics of the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, who also won in the category of science and medical technology. He is the leader of the student startup OWA Smooth, where they are dedicated to “smoothing numerical data”.

Every sensor, found e.g. in smartwatches, mobile phones, or on large automated lines in factories, collects huge amounts of data.

Since every measurement is loaded with error, the method he developed with his wife, mathematician RNDr. Barbara Hennel (Institute of Mathematics), is unique in that it can detect sudden changes in the measured data and remove them sensitively, since the methods currently used are computationally very demanding.

Users of the proposed method could be industrial companies or the so-called Internet of Things sector, where they produce extreme amounts of numerical data from different kinds of sensors. However, the method could also be used by medical devices, such as electroencephalograms.

Absolute winner Mgr. Hennel and his wife, mathematician RNDr. Barbara Hennel, also received the prize from the content director of the daily Pravda, Mr. Kamenistý

Congratulations to the “absolute winner” of the Slovak University Startup Cup and his wife!

Slovak University Startup Cup is a competition for university students in Slovakia that supports innovative ideas and startups. Students with original projects can compete in various categories such as science, medical technology, information technology, industrial technology, environment and more. The overall winner of this competition will represent Slovakia at the international competition University Startup World Cup 2024 in Copenhagen, where they will meet student startups from all over the world and have the opportunity to compete for an interesting financial reward.

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