Erasmus + program represents an excellent opportunity for doctoral students to gain professional and practical experience for their further research work.
Arina Skok, PhD student at the Analytical Chemistry Department, Institute of Chemical Sciences, PF UPJŠ, devoted herself to the development of a new analytical method for the thallium determination as part of her research internship under the Erasmus program at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Investigation results were published in the internationally renowned journal “Separations” (JIF 2.5). In this study, an innovative lab-in-syringe microextraction system combined with atomic absorption spectrometry was developed for the thallium determination in water samples. The advantages of this system include its simplicity, good analytical and metrological characteristics as well as increased analyst safety. Due to the reduced chemical consumption, the new system meets the green analytical chemistry requirements, while ensuring high applicability for important analytical applications. As a result of the cooperation between the Analytical Chemistry Department from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Oles Honchar Dnipro National University this work was represented on the cover of the mentioned journal.
Skok, A., Manousi, N., Bazel, Y., Vishnikin A., Anthemidis A. A Novel Solvent Microextraction Lab-in-Syringe System Coupled with Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Thallium Determination in Water Samples, Separations 11(7) (2024) 193; DOI: 10.3390/separations11070193.
One of the research targets of the Analytical Chemistry Department, Institute of Chemical Sciences is the long-term development and implementation of innovative analytical procedures with regard to the green chemistry requirements. In this topic, KAnCH researchers achieved several significant results, more at https://analyticalchemistry.science.upjs.sk/.