Seriously keen on science, therefore, resulting in high-quality education at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) ranked among the best three in the country. Founded in 1963, the Faculty of Science has educated over 6 000 graduates of joint and single-degree studies. Over 350 Bachelor’s, Masters’s, and Doctoral students graduate each year in disciplines that impact lives today and will shape our future. We are open to providing this opportunity also to international students who also enjoy the compactness of Košice, a historical European city dominated by young people, culture, thriving social life, and sports.
UPJŠ is a research-based university generating its highest level of scientific knowledge through a vibrant community of young researchers in collaboration with their supervisors. The Faculty of Science is the strongest contributor to the research outputs of the university. Our ambition is to provide specialized and highly trained researchers for fundamental scientific research and its application in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics, Information and Data Science. We also educate graduates in Teaching Science and shape their skills in Education Science. The Faculty is organized into six Institutes as management sub-units that coordinate research and study within a particular scientific focus
Through our education and research, we strive to address some of the world’s greatest challenges such as green energy, nanotechnologies, artificial intelligence, big data analysis, climate change, cybersecurity, or cancer. This has resulted in new treatments for patients, new designs of electric batteries and intelligent materials, Earth observation in high-resolution and greater levels of data and food protection.