The scientific paper entitled Enhanced soft-to-hard magnetic switching ratio in grain-oriented Fe–Si cores induced by helical anisotropy (Appl. Phys. Lett. 123 (2023) 242406), published in the renowned journal Applied Physics Letters (APL), published by the American Institute of Physics, and registered in the prestigious publication database Nature index, was selected by the journal’s Editorial Advisory Board as part of a special collection of the most outstanding publications 2024 APL Rising Stars Collection , whose main authors are outstanding young scientists.
outstanding young scientists. The main author of the publication is RNDr. Samuel Dobák, PhD. and co-authors are Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Ján Füzer, PhD., Prof. RNDr. Peter Kollár, DrSc. from the Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science, UPJŠ in Košice. In this study, they clarified the magnetization process in an unconventional topology of grain-oriented electrical steels with a rotating arrangement of easy magnetization directions with the aim of increasing the energy efficiency of electric motors. The APL Rising Stars Collection is a highly selective collection of articles, consisting of less than 2% of the most valuable scientific papers from the total annual volume of articles.