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Successful linking to the International Remote Sensing Summer School in Sardinia

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After the success of last year, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice again participated in the organization of the International Remote Sensing Summer School (IRSS 2024) in San Vero Milis, Sardinia. In the consortium of institutions: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences of the University of Cagliari (DSCG-UNICA), the Italian Association of Remote Sensing (AIT), the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the U.S. NASA, we organized the second edition of the summer school, the object of which was the temporarily drying salty lake Stagno di Sale’e Porcus in summer and the subject was the calibration and validation of imaging spectrometry data from space sensors.

UPJŠ was represented by four academics  of the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Dr. Michal Gallay, Dr. Ján Kaňuk, Dr. Katarína Onačillová, and Dr. Ján Šašak, who, as in the previous year, taught PhD students from various Italian universities the problems of data acquisition and processing by remotely piloted aerial systems (UAS) using laser and hyperspectral scanning.

They made use of their department’s state-of-the-art equipment acquired in particular within the framework of the UVP Technicom Phase I and Phase II project with the financial support of the European Union. The participation of all representatives of our university was supported by the ERASMUS+ programme and the research activities were directly related to the project VEGA 1/0780/24: Combination of lidar and hyperspectral data with machine learning methods for improved land cover classification.

The first results of the research (Melis et al. 2024) will be presented at the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing conference in Belém, Brazil, in November 2024.


Melis, Musacchio, Casu, Collu, Correa, Sedda, Silvestri, Buongiorno, Rabuffi, Andreucci, Kanuk, Gallay, Onacillova, Sasak, Naitza, Fantini, Dessì, Noli (2024). First results of the spectral characterisation of a salt flat in Europe: the Sal ‘e Porcus salty pond. ISPRS Archives, Technical Commission III Mid-term Symposium on Remote Sensing. 4-8 November 2024, Belém, Brazil.

Study at UPJŠ