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Applying for an internship

0minút, 54sekúnd

Dear students,

take advantage of the short-term traineeship opportunity at a foreign university, company or other institution in the academic year 2023/24 within the framework of the European Commission’s ERASMUS+ programme and apply by 8 June 2024, 11:59 p.m.

  • short-term mobility of PhD students (5-30 days, but funding for 10 days + 2 days travel),
  • short-term mixed student mobility for 1st and 2nd degree students (5-30 days, but funding for 5 days + 2 days travel),
  • Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP).

Priority for this call is given to mobility planned for August, September, October 2024. For the academic year 2024/25 there will be 4 application deadlines, the next application deadline will be 7.10.2024 . Therefore there is no need to apply now for mobility from November 2024 to July 2025.

The call is published on the UPJŠ website:

Erasmus+ výzvy 2024/2025

If you have already registered earlier, please register again.

Before applying, make sure to consult the ERASMUS+ coordinators at the faculty’s institutes, according to the focus of your study programme

 Koho kontaktovať?

Read the student experience

 Prečo ERASMUS+?

Sincerely Faculty Management

Study at UPJŠ