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New archaeological discoveries in the western part of the cadastre of Valaliky near Košice

8. November 2023
Institute of Geography, Jesenná 5, Košice

Management of the Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice
Science and Technology Week in Slovakia 2023,
invites students, teachers and the general public to events organized within
which will take place between November 6, 2023 and November 12, 2023

Institute of Geography

event name: New archaeological discoveries in the western part of the cadastre of Valaliky near Košice

event type: lecture

start of the event: 08.11.2023

end of event: 08.11.2023

event time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

target group of the event: students of study programs in Geography, Geography and Geoinformatics and other related study programs of both single and interdisciplinary studies; wide professional and lay public.

brief description of the event: The main topic of the lecture will be selected archaeological discoveries that were found during the construction of the industrial park in Valaliki near Košice. It will also be archaeological research, methods and the research itself.

organizer: Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice

co-organizer: Institute of Archeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra (expert interpretation: Mgr. Adam Gašpar)

venue: Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science UPJŠ in Košice, Jesenná 5, room SJ2L45

event website:é-semináre

Study at UPJŠ