Názov: The stable multiple activities problem
Autori (i): K. Cechlárová a V. Vaľová
Názov: On convexities of lattices
Autori (i): J. Lihová
Názov: General neighbour-distinguishing index of a graph
Autori (i): M. Horňák a M. Wozniak
Názov: On solutions of third order nonlinear differential equations
Autori (i): I. Mojses a J. Ohriska
This is a preprint of an article published in Central European Journal of Mathematics 4(2006), No. 1, 46-63, http://www.cesj.com/
Názov: The kidne exchange game
Autori (i): K. Cechlárová, T. Fleiner a D. Maniove
Názov: Graph Embeddings and Maps on Surfaces 2005
Autori (i): I. Fabrici, S. Jendroľ a T. Madaras, ed.
Názov: Workshop Cycles and Colourings 2005
Autori (i): I. Fabrici, M. Horňák a S. Jendroľ, ed.