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Faculty’s Mission

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The Faculty of Law of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice is one of the leading educational and research institutions of higher education in Slovakia. It is a stabilized educational and research institution with its own organisational structure, competent staff, focusing on training graduates for a successful career in legal practice.

The faculty endeavours to bring up graduates with a comprehensive understanding of individual branches of public and private law, both in systematic and analytical terms. They are able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice and to navigate themselves in the legal order of the Slovak Republic, as well as in the case law of national and supranational courts. The faculty gives students the opportunity to obtain basic practical experience, especially through legal clinics.

Bearing in mind the professions which the graduates are expected to occupy, the faculty places special emphasis on nurturing young people who are not only legally skilled and socially aware, but also morally sound.

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