The basic service of the University Library is to provide for users lending of the library and information documents. The documents are lent as out of library loans or can be study in the library premises only.
Loan services are provided for registrated user with valid user´s ID card.
For registration purposes it is needed to bring:
- ID card
- ISIC, ITIC – in the case of students and employees of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Pay a registration fee ( according actual Fees and Services Price List , UPJŠ students pay a registration fee via AiS2 when enrolling at the university)
- Sign an application card, where user confirms and proclaims to respect Library Regulations .
Occasional visitors can use short term ( 1 day ) registration (2€), which allowed them to use in particular day some kind of services ( only in the library premises, reprographic services, acces to internet ).
You can search for documents to borrow thruough electronic catalogues of the University Library.
In the case You can not find searched document in the fund of the University Library and You think it should be in, You can give suggestion for its purchase through electronic order form.
Loan period of particular items
User may request for renewing loan period before its expiration only once and in several ways:
- personaly in library
- by email, telephone
- through catalogue ( click on Login)
If the user does not return borrowed document on time, University Library applies to him sanction fees according to the Price List, which increase with numbers of the days after expiration of the loan period.
Conditions of accesing of the library fund amends valid Library Regulations.
When the University Library is closed, you can return books to the bibliobox/bookbox located in front of the offices of the Medical Library (Trieda SNP 1), the Law Library (Kováčska 26), the Library od Arts (Moyzesova 9) and the FVS Library (Popradská 66).
Protection of personal data for users of the University Library in Košice.
Library services are available during opening hour:
Workplaces | Telephone |
Medical Library Tr. SNP 1, 040 11 Košice |
+421 55/ 234 1619 |
Library of Science Medická 6, 040 11 Košice |
+421 55/ 234 1618 |
Library of Law Kováčska 26, 041 80 Košice |
+421 55/ 234 1653 |
Library of FPA Popradská 66, 040 11 Košice |
+421 55/ 234 1640 |
Library of Art Moyzesova 9, 040 01 Košice |
+421 55/ 234 1613 |