Electronic Information Resources (EIR) are professional resources for science, research and study.
Under the licensed EIR, the library provides access to full texts of scholarly articles, e-books, metrics for evaluating scientific publications, citations, and others.
Use a university computer network to access licensed EIR. For external access (eg from home, abroad) use remote access.
How to set up the remote access (for employees and students of UPJŠ): TUTORIALS
KNOVEL | Licence database | ENGINEERING LIFE SCIENCE Browse Subjects | It connects manuals and databases for technical and life sciences, as well as management with tools such as searching for materials and compounds according to their physicochemical properties, interactive tables, graphs and equations. The personal account allows you to manage the information you want to return to, and also to access Knovel via your mobile device and outside the university’s computer network. | Knovel Quick Start Guide Knovel tutorials Search in Knovel |
CAS SciFinder-n and ChemZent CAS Analytical Methods CAS Formulus | Licence database | CHEMISTRY | CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform is a key abstract and patent database in the field of chemistry and related sciences such as pharmacy and medicine. It is published by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society. It contains information on individual chemicals, reactions and methods. Within the SciFinder database there is access to : CAS SciFinder-n and ChemZent; CAS Analytical Methods and CAS Formulus. | To work with the database you need to create a PERSONAL ACCOUNT. When registering, use the email address assigned to you by the university, i.e. with one of the domains with the extension upjs.sk. Register on the UPJŠ Internet network or via the university’s remote access by clicking on the link. You will receive a confirmation email and within 48 hours you need to click on the link in the email to activate your account. |
Reaxys | Licence database | CHEMISTRY | It is one of Elsevier’s essential information resources for chemistry and related disciplines. Includes abstracts of scientific literature, patents, information on chemicals and reactions, experimentally verified chemical structures, and business information on manufacturers and suppliers. | Reaxys can be used without creating a personal account. However, if you create a personal account on the database home page, top right on the “Register” link, you will be able to save searches, export data, set up email alerts, customize the interface, etc. If you already have a personal account for one of Elsevier’s databases, such as ScienceDirect and Scopus, you can also use your access credentials in Reaxyse. |
Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina Online | Licence database Until 31st DECEMBER 2023 | LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE CLASSICAL STUDIES ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN STUDIES | Electronic access to editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, from ancient and late antiquity to medieval and modern Latin texts. Classical scholars and ancient historians have a valuable tool for research and teaching preparation at the high school and university levels. |
ASPI | Licence database | LAW | A comprehensive information system, the core of which is an electronic collection of laws and other generally applicable regulations. The system consists of two basic parts: “Legislation” and “Literature”. Access in Library of Law. |
NEW E-book Comparative Administrative Law | Licence database | PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, LAW | Electronic Book Deviatnikovaitė, I. (Ed.). (2024). Comparative Administrative Law: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003458135 This book presents the origins, doctrine, institutions, and challenges confronting modern administrative law in Central and Eastern European countrie. It examines the roots and structure of administrative law in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Ukraine. Each chapter examines the key concepts including historical background, the system of administrative law, the civil service, the spectrum of administrative activity, judicial review and other types of control over public administration, and administrative liability. The impact of European Union law on the legal order of the countries is also reviewed. The book will be of interest to students, academics, and researchers working in the areas of administrative law, public law, comparative law, and legal history. |
Amboss | Licence database Until 31st December 2025 | MEDICINE | AMBOSS is an e-learning tool for studying medicine in English. INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTER – to use it you need to follow the steps in the instructions, register and create your account, then activate the license in the settings. 1. Follow the link to view the registration instructions. If you have not yet activated your account, click on the Register link. 2. Registration and creation of your own account must be done on the university internet network via eduroam or from home or on your own device via remote access (proxy). 3. When creating an account, select “University of PJ Safárik Faculty of Medicine”. 4. After filling in the registration details and registering, go to the “Account & settings” section in your account and select “Activate Institutional License”. 5. Select “Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information” from the drop-down menu and click on “Activate License”. RECORDING OF THE WEBINAR IN ENGLISH ON THE USE OF THE AMBOSS TOOL We will send the password to start the recording on request. Contact: andrea.moravcikova@upjs.sk . | |
Bookport | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY MEDICINE | A modern online library of professional literature from major Czech publishers such as Grada, Karolinum, Portal, Masaryk University Press. The website is avilable only in Czech language. | |
ProQuest | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY MEDICINE | From medicine it contains: Health & Medicine Ebooks: collection of professional electronic monographs focused on medicine. MEDLINE: complete bibliographic database of the US National Medical Library – citations and abstracts of worldwide medical literature. ProQuest Ebook Central: platform providing electronic professional and study literature. | ProQuest Ebook Central How to use Ebook Central |
ScienceDirect E-knihy – medicína | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY MEDICINE Health Sciences | Elsevier’s multidisciplinary full-text scientific database containing articles from peer-reviewed journals and chapters from books. | Help Tutorials Advanced search |
Scopus | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY MEDICINE | One of the largest bibliographic scientometric databases operated by Elsevier Publishing. Citation metrics are available to track the number of citations to journals (CiteScore, SJR, and SNIP) and citation metrics to track the number of citations to the author (H-index). | Tutorials Searching for documents |
Springer Link | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY MEDICINE | A full-text multidisciplinary database that provides access to scientific journals published by Springer. | Welcome to SpringerLink Searching and browsing |
Web of Science | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY MEDICINE | Unified interface for accessing Clarivate Analytics citation and abstract databases. CONTAINS: Current Contents Connect, Medline, KCI – Korean Journal Database, SciELO Citation Index, BIOSIS Citation Index, Hirsch Index Search | Web of Science Tutorials |
Wiley Online Library | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY MEDICINE | International publishing house cooperating with the most prestigious scientific societies. | Advance Search – Search Tips |
Bookport | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Sport, Technology, Health and Medicine | A modern online library of professional literature from major Czech publishers such as Grada, Karolinum, Portal, Masaryk University Press. The website is avilable only in Czech language. | |
ProQuest | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Art, Business, Economics, Medicine, Science, Social and humanities, Technology | ProQuest Central: full-text multidisciplinary database of professional and study literature. ProQuest Ebook Central: platform providing electronic professional and study literature. Open access Complete: a newly created collection of e-books, in which it is possible to search in both licensed and open books. To access the collection, it is necessary to tick Open Access Complete at the bottom right and confirm with the Search button. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: dissertations from the world’s leading universities (in PDF format). Health & Medicine Ebooks: collection of professional electronic monographs focused on medicine. MEDLINE: complete bibliographic database of the US National Medical Library – citations and abstracts of worldwide medical literature. | ProQuest Ebook Central How to use Ebook Central |
ScienceDirect E-knihy – medicína | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Health Sciences Life Sciences Physical Sciences and Engineering Social Sciences and Humanities | Elsevier’s multidisciplinary full-text scientific database containing articles from peer-reviewed journals and chapters from books. | Help Tutorials Advanced search |
Scopus | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Art, Humanities, Medicine, Natural and Social Sciences, Technology | One of the largest bibliographic scientometric databases operated by Elsevier Publishing. Citation metrics are available to track the number of citations to journals (CiteScore, SJR, and SNIP) and citation metrics to track the number of citations to the author (H-index). | Tutorials Searching for documents |
Springer Link | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Medicine, Information, Natural, and Social Sciences, Technology | A full-text multidisciplinary database that provides access to scientific journals published by Springer. | Welcome to SpringerLink Searching and browsing |
Web of Science | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Art, Humanities, Medicine, Natural and Social Sciences | Unified interface for accessing Clarivate Analytics citation and abstract databases. CONTAINS: Current Contents Connect, Medline, KCI – Korean Journal Database, SciELO Citation Index, BIOSIS Citation Index, Hirsch Index Search | Web of Science Tutorials |
Wiley Online Library | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Engineering, Humanities, Medicine, Natural ans Social Sciences | International publishing house cooperating with the most prestigious scientific societies. | Advance Search – Search Tips |
APS | Licence database | PHYSICS | The American Physical Society (APS) Journals Online contains full texts from an extensive collection of APS publications from various branches of physics and multidisciplinary studies in the field of nuclear, molecular physics and optics. |
Scopus | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Art, Humanities, Medicine, Natural and Social Sciences, Technology | One of the largest bibliographic scientometric databases operated by Elsevier Publishing. Citation metrics are available to track the number of citations to journals (CiteScore, SJR, and SNIP) and citation metrics to track the number of citations to the author (H-index). | Tutorials Searching for documents |
Web of Science | Licence database | MULTIDISCIPLINARY Art, Humanities, Medicine, Natural and Social Sciences | Unified interface for accessing Clarivate Analytics citation and abstract databases. CONTAINS: Current Contents Connect, Medline, KCI – Korean Journal Database, SciELO Citation Index, BIOSIS Citation Index, Hirsch Index Search | Web of Science Tutorials |