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Limitation of services in Library of Law

  Library of Law services ( at Kováčska 26) will be limited from 16th May to 16th September 2022 due to reconstruction.   The Library of Law study room  will be closed from 16th May 2022. Only loan services will be available for users in the basement of the Library of Law (until 8th July … Continued

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

  On January 27, we commemorated International Holocaust Remembrance Day.   If you want to learn more about this part of history, you can access several books at Proquest Ebook Central at the University Library of UPJŠ in Košice at this link. To view available books for UPJŠ it is necessary to click BOOK STATUS … Continued

Articles about coronavirus

COVID-19 FREE RESOURCES: ALBERTINA ICOME BRATISLAVA In view of the outbreak in China and the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, several publishers have provided free access to all coronavirus-related articles for doctors, scientists and the general public. Articles, chapters, topics from knowledge tools for clinical practice: BMJ including information BMJ Best Practice 5MinuteConsult new AudioDigest’s CO­VID-19 Update records from CAB Abstracts a … Continued

Study at PJŠU