Pursuant to provision of Section 100 of Law Act No. 131/2002 Book of Statutes on universities and amending and supplementing certain law acts as amended by later regulations (hereinafter referred to as ZVŠ), Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice creates a universally accessible academic milieu and appropriate policies of the study for the prospective students having specific needs without reducing the requirements for their study performance. In accordance with stipulation of Section 100 (2) ZVŠ, the following student will be considered a student with special needs:
a) with sensory, physical and multiple disabilities;
b) with chronic disease;
c) with a health weakening;
d) with mental illness;
e) with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders;
f) with learning disabilities;
by reason of which s/he needs appropriate adjustment of and support in education.
For prospective students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
UPJŠ provides support in connection with the modification of admittance examinations to prospective students with specific needs. Before the admission procedure, the following steps should be made:
- Contact the coordinator of the relevant Faculty;
- Submit a report from an expert psychologist, speech therapist, school psychologist, school speech therapist or specialist educator (see the Rector´s Decree No. 4/2024 for more details);
- Fill out the Application Form for Modification of the Admittance Examination (its model is in the Annex No. 1, 3, and 4 hereto). The application shall be approved by the Dean of the Faculty on the recommendation of the coordinator.
For students of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
To obtain support in education and reasonable modification of the study, the following steps should be taken:
- Contact the coordinator at the relevant Faculty;
- Submit a report from a professional – physician, psychologist, speech therapist, school psychologist, school speech therapist or a special educator (see the Rector´s Decree No. 4/2024 for more details);
- Fill out the Application Form for Obtaining the Status of Student with Special Needs (its model in the Annex No. 2, 5, and 6 hereto). The application shall be approved by the Dean of the Faculty on the recommendation of the coordinator.
In their work with the students with special needs, the coordinators shall provide the students with information on the relevant Faculty, on the study, information on the admittance examinations, evaluate the specific needs of applicants and students, help in addressing the modification of the form of the admittance examination or that of their semester tests and other educational issues.
- Faculty of Public Administration:
Ing. Lenka Pčolinská, PhD., lenka.pcolinska@upjs.sk, Phone Nr.: 055 234 5141 - Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Science:
Mgr. Lucia Tóthová, PhD., lucia.tothova1@upjs.sk, VoIP: 055 234 7125 - Faculty of Medicine:
RNDr. Zuzana Orságová Králová, PhD., zuzana.orsagova.kralova@upjs.sk VoIP: 055 234 3565 - Faculty of Law:
doc. JUDr. Jana Žuľová, PhD., jana.zulova@upjs.sk, Phone Nr.: 055 234 4134 - Institute of Physical Education and Sport:
Mgr. Lenka Hudáková, PhD. (Abrinková), lenka.hudakova@upjs.sk, Phone Nr.: 055 234 1218
Support services
Students with special needs shall have the following support services available:
- Counselling: psychological, social, legal, career – e-counselling.
- Technical support (special devices and aids): students with special needs shall have these devices available (photos)
– electronic reading magnifier with speech output;
– scanning pen;
– computer set with a touch screen monitor with the NVDA programme installed (application for voice reading the text from the screen for blind students), with an ergonomic mouse, a keyboard adapted for the partially sighted students, and armrests.
These devices are available at the Philosophical Library at Moyzesova street No. 9. We recommend that you book this facility in advance by e-mail at the address unipoc@upjs.sk. - IT consulting (RNDr. Juraj Šebej, PhD., juraj.sebej@upjs.sk, Phone Nr.: 055 234 2434): assistance and support in the use of IT resources. Advice for setting up the AIS for the visually impaired students. The settings of the PC for the visually impaired students.
- Library and lending services (Ing. Eva Matušovičová, eva.matusovicova@upjs.sk Phone Nr.: 0550234 1647):
– Free registration
– Longer loan period (6 months) with the possibility of a one-time extension (i.e., for the next 6 months).
– Copying and scanning services. Students have the option to print on every workplace of the Library (these services are charged according to the valid price list).
– In the Medical Library and the Philosophical Library, the self-service high-quality library scanner is available at (free of charge).
– E-reading room: the most frequently required collection of sources in the electronic format (pdf). The number of titles is constantly expanding.
– Obtaining the titles, which are not included in the University Library (UK) from any other of the Slovak and foreign libraries through the interlibrary loan service and the international interlibrary loan service.
– Free provision of reference and research services for students with special needs.
– Information education: the University Library teaches the students how to work with specialized electronic resources, as well as with its own online library catalogue and search for the necessary documents. - Erasmus+; the UPJŠ student with special needs may apply for a grant, which is used to cover the expenses associated with special needs during the implementation of the mobility period abroad. More information available at the Department for International Affairs.