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Career services

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UPJŠ University Career Centre in Košice renders free-of-charge career services to all the UPJŠ students. Within these services, we build on four bases (see Figure 1). First of all, we provide students with information (on the situation in the labour market, opportunities to work, correct CVs and motivation letters preparation, etc.), working with them in improving their self-knowledge (identification of strengths and weaknesses, awareness of their own competencies) and offering them opportunities for developing their competencies (taking into account the career management skills). The natural continuation of these services results in the getting in contact with practice, with employers, and with job opportunities (placements, job offers, volunteering).

Figure 1 Careers Service at UPJŠ in Košice


First of all, we provide students with information about the situation in the labor market, employment opportunities, correct preparation of CV, cover letters, etc. On social networks as Facebook (unipocUPJS) or Instagram (unipoc_UPJS) we share various informative content from the labor market. We also regularly publish a newsletter about unemployment of UPJŠ students.

Tailor-made information can be obtained through individual career counselling.

Practical advice when applying for a job

Key tips for writing a resume
CV structure and content


We work with students to improve their self-knowledge, e.g. identification of strengths and weaknesses, awareness of their own competences. The service is available to students in the form of individual career counseling or in the form of e-learning My Career, respectively combinations of both.

Development of competences

We also provide students a number of opportunities to develop key competences. Develop your own career management skills in the training program „Competence Kaleidoscope“, improve your ability to learn effectively at the workshop „Learning How to Learn” and develop entrepreneurial thinking at workshop „Do something!“.

Job opportunities

The natural continuation of these services results in the getting in contact with practice, with employers, and with job opportunities (placements, job offers, volunteering). Students can apply for an internship or a job position at events such as Internship Fair (winter term) or Career Day (summer term). Moreover, job offers we receive from employers are filtered by faculty, field of study, year, employers’ requirements and regularly published in AiS2 – Labor Market.

Career Counselling

All four areas are intertwined in individual career counselling, which is currently held by:
Mgr. Zuzana Kožárová,

It is necessary to book a counselling session in advance. Please use the portal UNIPOC to book a session.

To enter the portal and book a session, use your AiS2 login and password.

If you would like to ask our counsellors a question regarding psychological, career, social or legal counselling, you may use our e-counselling. We also answer questions of students with special needs within e-counseling.

The portal is currently translated to English only partially. Please excuse the inconvenience, we are working on the improvement.

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