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The University of Oxford welcomed our PhD student

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Cooperation with the Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford to develop a new assay to monitor events during protein aggregation at a single-molecule level

From the 1st of October to the 20th of December 2022, a PhD student RNDr. Veronika Džupponová (supervisor: Assoc. prof. RNDr. Gabriel Žoldák, PhD.) from the Department of Biophysics UPJŠ in Košice carries out her research stay at the University of Oxford and enhances collaboration with prof. Philipp Kukura group. The given research visit is within the project focused on pathological forms of IgG leukemic diseases supported and financed by Nadácia Tatra banky. During her stay, Veronika studies early events in human myeloma light chain aggregation using a Refeyn mass photometer. Mass photometry is a new single-molecule technique that enables the study of changes in the molecular mass of single molecules by monitoring the interference between the light scattered by the single molecule and the light reflected by the measurement surface. This collaboration enriches and follows the research activities of the CasProt project.

Study at UPJŠ