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Meeting with experts from the Joint Research Center and the European Commission at UPJŠ

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On 23 and 24 January 2020, a meeting of representatives of the Technology Transfer Division of the Joint Research Center, Brussels (JRC) and nominated experts of the European Commission with the rectors of Košice universities (UPJŠ, TUKE, UVLF), vice-president of SAS region and city Košice. This meeting was a follow-up to previous activities within the continuation of work on the project “Technology and Innovation Park Košice (TIP-Košice)”.

The working meeting with EC and JRC experts focused on the assessment of the state of preparation of the TIP-Košice project and processes related to commercialization of intellectual property and technology transfer. EC experts assessed the existing situation in the areas of applied science, technology transfer, state aid, business and investment plans and protection of intellectual property. Part of the two-day working meeting was also a tour of applied research laboratories in TIP-UPJŠ, TUKE and UVLF. The outcome of the meeting is an evaluation of the current state of preparation of the TIP-Košice project and a plan of activities for the next period of a joint 6-month project to prepare the construction of TIP-Košice.

Study at UPJŠ