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Top STEDYCON device

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From the 20th to 21st of July 2021, Mr. J. Vávra, a representative of Abberior GmbH, visited the Laboratory of Advanced Laser Technologies of the Center of Interdisciplinary Biosciences, TIP-UPJŠ in Košice, to lend and install the top STEDYCON device. Abberior GmbH is a German innovative tech company founded by a Nobel Prize winner Prof. Dr. Stefan Hell, who deals with the so-called super-resolution microscopy. On this occasion, Dr. G. Žoldák, Head of the laboratory and one of the lead investigators of the H2020 CasProt project, introduced the ongoing implementation of the CasProt project. Owing to this highly prestigious H2020 project, researchers in Eastern Slovakia will have unique opportunities to use a super-resolution STEDYCON microscope, which significantly enhances the reputation of our workplace. We believe that these types of cooperation will continue to emerge.

Study at UPJŠ