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InnoChange European Partnership

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InnoChange European Partnership


The project aims to increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity and attitude of higher education institutes (HEIs) and to strengthen and better integrate into, and engage with, innovation ecosystems in Central and Eastern Europe. The partners’ complementary expertise creates a solid foundation for the implementation of the Knowledge Triangle based innovation education. InnoChange Consortium is strongly linked with EIT Digital and aims to expand this network further to enhance digital transformation. The strengths of the project stem from the defined academic scope (informatics, digital transformation) and the large diversity since university environments, industrial ecosystems and private organizations. InnoChange will develop and improve the entrepreneurial education curriculum and associated teacher training at partner HEIs, soak up and nurture innovation from all corners of student, faculty, and research activities at university by introducing new innovation model. Furthermore, will provide effective support to deserving early-stage innovation projects and build a pragmatic, yet comprehensive network of multi-faceted industry partnerships and enable support structures for entrepreneurship communities at HEIs through mutual learning.


Call: eit DIGITAL: HEI Initiative – Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education

Project duration: 1. 7. 2021 – 30. 6. 2023

Responsible persons:
prof. RNDr. Gabriel Semanišin PhD.

Find more:
InnoChange – Driving Change and Capacity Building Towards Innovative, Entrepreneurial Universities and Entrepreneurial Universities


  1. Eötvös Lorand University  (coordinator) 
  2. Babes-Bolyai University  
  3. University of Maribor  
  4. Hariot-Watt University  
  5. Startup Wise Guys  
  6. Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski 
  7. GE Healthcare Hungary, Hungary 
  8. Campden BRI Hungary, Hungary 
