{"id":15203,"date":"2022-06-22T14:03:08","date_gmt":"2022-06-22T14:03:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/pracoviska\/botanicka-zahrada\/root\/odborne-aktivity\/volume-25-2015-abstracts\/"},"modified":"2022-10-05T09:04:53","modified_gmt":"2022-10-05T09:04:53","slug":"volume-25-2015-abstracts","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/pracoviska\/botanicka-zahrada\/odborne-aktivity\/thaiszia-2\/volume-25-2015-abstracts\/","title":{"rendered":"THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 25, 2015 \u2013 abstracts"},"content":{"rendered":"
THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 25, 2015 \u2013 abstracts<\/strong><\/p>\n vol. 25\/1 Toma\u0161kin J., Toma\u0161kinov\u00e1 J. & Kizekov\u00e1 M. (2015):<\/strong> Ornamental grasses as part of public green, their ecosystem services and use in vegetative arrangements in urban environment. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 1-13. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: Ornamental grasses as an integral part of vegetation are an important landscape component. Their decorativeness emphasize and enhance compositional-aesthetic and culturalhistorical value of landscape picture. Incorporation of ornamental grasses positively affects the landscape homeostasis and contributes to improvement of landscape diversity. Lawn planting with ornamental grasses increases the scale of landscape creations in residential and recreational zones in urban residences. This study was conducted to assess the importance and possibilities of ornamental grasses utilisation in vegetative treatments in urban landscape. During 1999 \u2013 2010 ecological requirements, persistency, propagation, growth habit, plant height, flowering period, decorative effect, winterhardiness and possibilities of ornamental grasses growing at Grassland and Mountain Agriculture Research Institute in Bansk\u00e1 Bystrica (Slovak Republic) was evaluated. The collection comprised 36 species of ornamental grasses and 7 species grass-like plants where aesthetic value of ornamental plant was characterised as follows: ornamental foliage (Arundo donax, Carex muskingumensis, Festuca pallens, Hakonechloa macra <\/em>\u2018Aureola\u2019, Imperata cylindrica, Juncus inflexus, Miscanthus sinensis <\/em>\u2018Zebrinus\u2019, Phalaris arundinacea<\/em>), ornamental stems (Molinia arundinacea <\/em>\u2018Windspiel\u2019, Phragmites australis<\/em>) and ornamental inflorescens and fruits (Armeria maritima, Briza maxima, Hordeum jubatum, Chionochloa conspicua<\/em>, <\/strong>Lagurus ovatus, Luzula nivea, Melica ciliata, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Panicum virgatum, Pennisetum alopecuroides, Phalaris canariensis, Sesleria sadlerana, Stipa <\/em>spec. div.). Yarova O.A. & Fedoronchuk M.M. (2015):<\/strong> The geographic analysis of the flora of Biloozersky National Nature Park (Ukraine). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 15-20. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: The results of the geographic study of the flora of Biloozersky National Nature Park after Meusel (MEUSEL et al. 1965; 1992) has shown that the temperate-submeridional species (26.3 %) prevail in the latitudinal spectrum of its chorological groups. It is typical for flatland temperate latitudinal floras of the Holarctic region. The species of the Eurasian group, European and circumpolar species, which are distributed mostly in the temperate and boreal zones, are predominant in the spectrum of the regional chorological groups of the flora. Cosmopolite species are minor in the studied flora. The species of Euryoceanic and indifferent groups are predominant regarding oceanicity-continentality. In general, the correlation between oceanic and continental climate types of ranges, confirms the intermediate character of the flora of the park. Thus, the division of the areographic groups of the flora evidents its forest-steppes character of the Central European floras. Mikol\u00e1\u0161 V. (2015):<\/strong> Sorbus hornadensis <\/em>Mikol\u00e1\u0161 (Rosaceae, Pyreae), a new hybridogenous species from eastern Slovakia. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 21-27. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: Sorbus hornadensis <\/em>sp.nov., a new hybridogenous species of the genus Sorbus <\/em>is described. It evolved probably from hybridization of S.thaiszii <\/em>(So\u00f3) K\u00e1rp\u00e1ti s.l. and S. aucuparia <\/em>L. It is stabilized by means means of apomixis. The species ( s.s.) occurs in xerothermous habitats of forest-steppe and adjacent forests between villages Trebejov and Kysak. The species is related to Sorbus hazslinskyana <\/em>(So\u00f3) M\u00e1jovsk\u00fd, however, it is different by leaves and fruits. It has deep red, shortly cylindric fruits with small number of relatively big lenticels and leaves the most broad in their lower third. The species is a tetraploid one. On S, W, NW and SW of its area of distribution is substituted by a sligthly different individuals (width of leaves, seeds and fruits, length of fruits) that I designate Sorbus hornadensis <\/em>s.l. Alkurdi M., Hassan K. & Supuka J. (2015): <\/strong>Influence of planting date on growth, stem number formation and flower appearance of Matthiola incana <\/em>L.. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 29-x. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: The study was conducted in the Akam plantation at Erbil city; University of Salahaddin Erbil \u2013 Iraq, during the growing season from October 2009 to June 2010. Plants of Matthiola incana L. <\/em>were planted in plastic pots with a diameter of 20 cm. The experiment was accomplished in Randomized Complete Design (RCD) in three replications, the data were analysed with general linear model procedures in SAS, and the Duncan test at the level 0.05 was used for comparing the means. The experiment included 16 treatments, the combination between 4 planting dates; 01.10.2009, 15.10.2009, 30.10.2009, 15.11.2009 and selecting different number of stems; one stem, two stems, three stems, four stems, after selection of the main stems, all new shoots were removed twice a week. The growth parameters (plant height, flowering time, number of flowers, fresh and dry weight of plants) were significantly responded to planting date and number of stems. Maximum values of plant heights were obtained from (D1) 01.10.2009, while there was a decrease in heights of plants planted in (D4) 15.11.2009. Planting in (D1) led to an increase in the number of flowers. The height of plants was increased significantly at plants with one stem (S1), while the number of flowers per plant increased with an increasing number of stems (S4). The planting date did not impact on flower time. Keywords<\/em>: Matthiola incana<\/em>, planting time, stem number, growth characteristics. T\u00e1borsk\u00e1 J., Vojtk\u00f3 A., Dulai S. & Schmotzer A. (2015):<\/strong> Distribution of Aegilops cylindrica <\/em>Host in Hungary. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 41-72. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: The Aegilops cylindrica <\/em>Host (jointed goatgrass) is the only native Aegilops <\/em>species in Hungary. Its native area runs continuously from the Mediterranean region to Western Asia, while the northern part of the western border proceeds through the Carpathian Basin. A complete census and analysis of Aegilops cylindrica <\/em>occurrence data in Hungary has not yet carried out. The objectives of this study were to (i.) collect all accessible floristic (herbarium, published and unpublished) data of this species, (ii.) to present it\u2019s current distribution, and (iii.) to evaluate it\u2019s distribution in relation to recent climatic conditions. The historical and recent occurrences have been collated and interpreted in a\u00a0Geographical Information System (GIS), while the large dataset was suitable for different analysis. The first grid-based distribution map of the species is presented. Altogether 748 floristic records were gathered during the study. Of these, 296 herbarium and 218 literature data have been processed and interpreted in the geographical information system, which was further supplemented with 234 unpublished floristic data. During the evaluation 365 aggregated locations were generated for further analysis. Detailed evaluation of the distribution was presented in the context of phytogeographical regions, showing that 84.1% of localities lay in the forest-steppe belt. During the data evaluation a high degree of heterogeneity was found between the recent and the published data, and herbarium data as well. The main character of the distributional pattern was analyzed in relation to climatic maps. It was found that 81.9% of the species occurrences correlated with the 550 mm or lower annual rainfall isohyet line value, and 75.3% of its localities overlap the <10-11 \u00b0C or higher isotherm line value. With the application of this dataset a predictive map of the full occurrence was also carried out. Aykurt C, Deniz \u0130. G., Ba\u015faran M. A. & Gen\u00e7 G. E. (2015): <\/strong>Taxonomic and GIS-Based Ecologic Studies on Critically Endangered Crocus wattiorum B.Mathew (Olympos Saffron). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 73-84. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: Crocus wattiorum<\/em>, endemic to the Olympos-Bey Mountains National Park of Antalya province, Turkey, is mainly distributed on rocky and stony areas under sparse Pinus brutia <\/em>and maquis. As well as the leaf and scape anatomy, the palynological and seed micromorphological features of this species were investigated in this study. The leaves of C. wattiorum <\/em>consist of two lateral arms with rectangular keel in the median region. The characteristic pale stripe running axially along the center of the leaf is caused by the parenchymatous cells in the keel which lack chloroplast and break down to form an air space. The seeds of the species are globose to ovate in shape, the seed surface is papillose. The pollen grains are prolate spheroidal, with a thin exine and a relatively thick intine. During the field study, it was endeavored to record all individuals found in their habitat, and the individuals‘ locations were recorded with GPS. Data concerning the habitat types, elevation, aspect, slope, vegetation and distance from the sea of the individuals was noted and evaluated using Geographic information system, ArcGIS 9.3. Additionally, potential distribution areas of the species, which is categorized CR under IUCN threat category, were determined. Eli\u00e1\u0161 jun. P., D\u00edt\u011b D. & Elia\u0161ov\u00e1 M. (2015): <\/strong>Distribution and ecology of the genus Bassia <\/em>in Slovakia 1: Bassia prostrata <\/em>(L.) Beck. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 85-95. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: Three species of the genus Bassia <\/em>are known in Slovakia, the paper is aimed to describe occurrence and ecology of Bassia prostrata<\/em>. The present study shows that the species occurred in three locations (Oko\u010d, Kom\u00e1rno, Virt) in the Podunajsk\u00e1 n\u00ed\u017eina lowland (SW Slovakia); data published from W and SE Slovakia are erroneous. All those three reliably documented sites were already destroyed and B. prostrata <\/em>is evaluated as regionally extinct (RE) species of the Slovak flora. The species occupied both saline and sandy habitats, but it was not recorded in loess steppe grasslands, the most common habitat of B. prostrata <\/em>in Central and Southeastern Europe. Coenological affinity of B. prostrata <\/em>in the surrounding countries is briefly discussed. \u0160olt\u00e9s R. & Zuba\u013eov\u00e1 I. (2015):<\/strong> Bryophytes of the Special Areas of Conservation – Humensk\u00fd Sokol and Brekovsk\u00fd hradn\u00fd vrch (the Eastern Carpathians, Slovakia). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (2): 97-110. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: Despite the fact, that both Humensk\u00fd Sokol and Brekovsk\u00fd hradn\u00fd vrch are included in the Special Areas of Conservation, the bryophytes remain largely unknown. We examined the preference of bryophytes to forest floor, rocky substrate or tree bark in a forest ecosystem and to the secondary habitats of castle ruins. On Brekovsk\u00fd hradn\u00fd vrch we recorded 47 species of bryophytes. From the bryological point of view, Humensk\u00fd Sokol was more interesting, with 85 species of bryophytes recorded. Particular attention was paid to the red-listed species. We compare phytogeographical relations in both sites and analyzed the preference of arealtypes to habitats. Presence of species of European importance has not been recorded. Kliment J. (2015):<\/strong> The syntaxonomical classification of the matgrass swards on the crystalline bedrock in Ve\u013ek\u00e1 Fatra Mts. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (2): 111-120. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: This contribution deals with the syntaxonomical evaluation of the mat-grass swards on the crystalline bedrock in northern part of the Ve\u013ek\u00e1 Fatra Mts, which were initially (KLIMENT 1992) assigned into the association Homogyno alpinae-Nardetum <\/em>Mr\u00e1z 1956, and subassociations athyrietosum alpestris <\/em>Mr\u00e1z 1956, typicum <\/em>Mr\u00e1z 1956 and alchemilletosum crinitae <\/em>Kliment 1992 ined. The comparison of the original diagnoses of the associations Homogyno alpinae-Nardetum <\/em>and Phleo alpini-Nardetum <\/em>Klika 1934 proved the assumption (KLIMENT & UJH\u00c1ZY 2014) that the subassociation alchemilletosum <\/em>should be assigned into the association Phleo alpini-Nardetum<\/em>. It also showed that relev\u00e9s from the subassociation athyrietosum <\/em>(sensu KLIMENT 1992) should remain the part of the association Homogyno alpinae-Nardetum<\/em>. Stands previously evaluated as the subassociation typicum <\/em>(sensu KLIMENT 1992) are considered transitional between the two associations; however, the overall floristic composition is more similar to the association Phleo alpini-Nardetum<\/em>. The current research also proved major decline of the mat-grass swards in the area. After abandonment of the traditional ways of management (mowing, grazing), they are consequently replaced either by stands with Vaccinium myrtillus <\/em>or tall grasses. Mih\u00e1l I., Blan\u00e1r D. & Glejdura S. (2015):<\/strong> Enhancing knowledge of mycoflora (Myxomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota) in oak-hornbeam forests in the vicinity of the magnesite plants at Luben\u00edk and Jel\u0161ava (central Slovakia). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (2): 121-142. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: The authors present the mycocoenological characteristics of selected localities situated near magnesite plants in Central Slovakia. 24 researched plots were situated in the Slovensk\u00e9 rudohorie Mts (Rev\u00facka vrchovina highland) in 4 degradation stages: A \u2013 pollution crust slope with almost no vegetation, B \u2013 deforested slopes with grassland vegetation, C \u2013 thinned forest cover, D \u2013 normal forest cover. The total of 212 macromycetous species as well as 3 slime molds were determined in the individual degradation stages. The species Agyrium rufum<\/em>, Ceratosphaeria lampadophora<\/em>, Encoelia glaberrima<\/em>, Massaria inquinans<\/em>, Melanomma pulvis-pyrius<\/em>, Nectria decora<\/em>, Patellaria atrata<\/em>, Steccherinum laeticolor <\/em>and Tympanis corylina <\/em>are presented as the first findings for Slovakia. The species Coprotus winteri<\/em>, Entomophthora coleopterorum<\/em>, Sistotremastrum niveocremeum <\/em>and Tomentella sublilacina <\/em>are presented as the second finding for Slovakia. Within Slovakia, the findings of the species Claussenomyces olivaceus<\/em>, Laeticorticium roseum<\/em>, Phanerochaete sordida<\/em>, Sistrotremastrum suecicum<\/em>, Tomentella fibrosa <\/em>and Trechispora farinacea <\/em>are very interesting and rare. Due to the abundance of dead wood at the researched localities, the majority of the 117 species determined here belong to the group of lignicolous saprophytes. Only 30 mycorrhizal symbionts have been documented due to adverse conditions, (low precipitation, dry soil horizons), and strong imissions impact; (e.g. no mycorrhizal symbionts in the degradation stage A, one symbiont in B, 13 symbionts in C and 23 symbionts in the degradation stage D). The value of ectomycorrhizal potential was upgraded for all stages (A: 0.0, B: 0.08, C: 0.45, D: 0.56). In general, the increase of the species spectrum of all fungi has been observed throughout all stages (14 species in stage A, 33 species in stage B, 107 species in stage C and 149 species in stage D). Moreover, the increasing number of Ascomycotina species has been observed from the stage A to D (3 species in stage A, 25 species in stage C and 23 in stage D). \u017dabka M., \u010euri\u0161ov\u00e1 \u013d. & Eli\u00e1\u0161 P. jun. (2015):<\/strong> Spreading of alien species in disturbed area: a case study from Opatovce nad Nitrou (SW Slovakia). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (2): 143-151. \u2013 ISSN 1210- 0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: This work presents comprehensive study of floristic composition of a disturbed area, primary aimed on the spreading of alien species. Moreover, alien species have been sorted into the categories based on their environmental effects to the native biodiversity. Floristic exploration of vascular plants was conducted during growing season in a territory near the village of Opatovce nad Nitrou in years 2010\u20132012. Part of this area was affected by an anthropogenic disturbance during construction of new confluence of the rivers Nitra and Handlovka. Through these activities the river beds, adjacent ecotones and also agrocoenosis have been disrupted. During the floristic survey 172 species of vascular plants were found, 44 species were evaluated as an alien (4 species belonged to casual, 30 species were naturalized, 7 species were invasive and 3 species with uncertain classification). This work is bringing the attention to the negative impact of an anthropogenic interventions to the native and semi-native plant communities which resulted to the threat of biodiversity due to spreading of alien species, especially invasive plants. Kricsfalusy V.V. (2015):<\/strong> Taxonomy and phylogeny of Anemone patens <\/em>L. sensu lato (Ranunculaceae): A critical review. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (2): 153-164. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: A critical review of botanical nomenclature for Anemone patens <\/em>L. is given based on a rigorous literature analysis. Complete morphological characteristics and karyology of the taxon are compiled using data from the floristic treatments of Europe and North America. The phylogeny of A. patens <\/em>in relation to a variety of contrasting historical, ecological and evolutionary factors acting through the species range transformation and speciation is elucidated. Kliment J. & Slez\u00e1k M. (2015):<\/strong> Floristic structure and temporal changes of the association Helictotricho planiculmis-Nardetum strictae <\/em>in the Ve\u013ek\u00e1 Fatra Mts (central Slovakia). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (2): 165-178. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420.<\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: The present study deals with the species composition pattern of the mat-grass swards (phytosociological association Helictotricho planiculmis-Nardetum strictae<\/em>) in the Ve\u013ek\u00e1 Fatra Mts. These low-productive pastures occupy only north-facing slopes of the main ridge. Their floristic variation was recorded at the variant level \u2013 variant with Hieracium alpinum <\/em>and Ligusticum mutellina<\/em>. The major environmental gradients were interpreted based on Ellenberg\u2019s indicator values for vascular plants. The principal component analysis revealed the importance of soil nutrients and grazing type for species composition variability. The comparison of the sampled periods (1953, 1987\/1988 and 2001) also indicated these floristic changes, which most likely reflected different sheep and cattle grazing patterns in particular periods. \u00a0<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 25, 2015 \u2013 abstracts vol. 25\/1 vol. 25\/2 Toma\u0161kin J., Toma\u0161kinov\u00e1 J. & Kizekov\u00e1 M. (2015): Ornamental grasses as part of public green, their ecosystem services and use in vegetative arrangements in urban environment. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 25 (1): 1-13. \u2013 ISSN 1210-0420. Abstract: Ornamental grasses as … \u010c\u00edta\u0165 \u010falej<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":15189,"menu_order":27,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"_editorskit_title_hidden":false,"_editorskit_reading_time":0,"_editorskit_is_block_options_detached":false,"_editorskit_block_options_position":"{}","footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-15203","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"acf":{"acf_link_na_externy_obsah":""},"yoast_head":"\n
vol. 25\/2<\/strong><\/p>\n
Keywords<\/em>: ornamental grasses, lawn, landscape creation, vegetation, vegetation arrangements, public green.
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Keywords<\/em>: Biloozersky National Park, Ukraine, flora, geographic structure, species, area.
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Keywords<\/em>: Sorbus hornadensis<\/em>, Sorbus hazslinszkyana<\/em>, central Horn\u00e1d Valley, taxonomy, ecology, protection, Slovakia.
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Keywords<\/em>: Aegilops<\/em>, distribution, Hungary, archaeophyte, dataset, GIS.
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Keywords<\/em>: anatomy, Crocus<\/em>, morphology, palynology, Turkey.
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Keywords<\/em>: Bassia<\/em>, habitats, occurrence, Central Europe.
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Keywords<\/em>: Bryophytes, Special Areas of Conservation, Eastern Carpathians, Slovakia.
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Keywords<\/em>: granodiorite, Homogyno alpinae-Nardetum<\/em>, Mt. Mal\u00e1 Smrekovica, Phleo alpini-Nardetum<\/em>, phytosociology, secondary succession.
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Keywords<\/em>: Luben\u00edcky kras karst, magnesite imissions, mycoflora, oak-hornbeam forests, Slovensk\u00e9 rudohorie Mts, West Carpathians.
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Keywords<\/em>: floristic survey, alien species, anthropogenic disturbance
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Keywords<\/em>: morphological characteristics, chromosome numbers, taxonomic considerations, origin, evolution
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Keywords<\/em>: dynamics, Nardo strictae-Agrostion tenuis<\/em>, ordination, phytosociology, species composition, the Western Carpathians.
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