{"id":15037,"date":"2022-06-22T14:39:56","date_gmt":"2022-06-22T14:39:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/pracoviska\/botanicka-zahrada\/root\/odborne-aktivity\/volume-32-2022-abstracts\/"},"modified":"2023-01-01T16:42:39","modified_gmt":"2023-01-01T16:42:39","slug":"volume-32-2022-abstracts","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/pracoviska\/botanicka-zahrada\/odborne-aktivity\/thaiszia-2\/volume-32-2022-abstracts\/","title":{"rendered":"THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 32, 2022 \u2013 abstracts"},"content":{"rendered":"
THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 32, 2022 \u2013 abstracts Eli\u00e1\u0161 P. Jr. (2022):<\/strong> Ventenata dubia<\/em> (Leers) Coss. (Poaceae) in Slovakia: Distribution, habitat affinities and threats. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (1): 001-015. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-1-01<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: This paper presents data on the distribution of Ventanata dubia<\/em> in Slovakia. I recorded the species in 145 quadrants of the Central European mapping grid. The majority of these records occurred in the Pannonian region, especially in the phytogeographical districts of Podunajsk\u00e1 n\u00ed\u017eina, Burda and Ipe\u013esko-rimavsk\u00e1 br\u00e1zda Region of southern Slovakia. In the Carpathian region, the species has a scattered to rare distribution pattern and is only found in the area associated with the pre-Carpathian flora, especially in the \u0160tiavnick\u00e9 vrchy Mountains. Ventenata dubia<\/em> most often occupies dry grassland habitats, but also frequently occurs in human-modified habitats (quarries, unpaved roads through agricultural fields and grasslands, vineyards). It rarely occurs on forest edges or in open forests. The grass was recorded on loessal, saline, quartzite, and limestone soils, but most often on shallow soils with high basalt (volcanic) rock content. At present, it is among the less threatened plant species of the Slovak flora (NT). Erd\u0151s L., Kevey B., T\u00f6r\u00f6k P., T\u00f6lgyesi Cs., Bauer N. & B\u00e1tori Z. (2022):<\/strong> The distribution of Ranunculus psilostachys<\/em> Griseb. in Hungary and the question of its indigenousness. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (1): 017-027. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-1-02<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: Ranunculus psilostachys<\/em> is native to the Balkan Peninsula and in Hungary it is currently known from the Vill\u00e1ny Mountains and the Ny\u00e1r\u00e1d\u2013Hark\u00e1ny Plain. Its origin in Hungary (native vs. introduced) has been debated since it was first discovered in the country. In this paper we provide an overview of the distribution of the species in Europe and Hungary, then we classify its Hungarian occurrences into six categories based on their naturalness level. We think that R. psilostachys<\/em> may be native in its natural and seminatural habitats but because of its impressive appearance it is presumably planted in some secondary habitats, including sacred sites. We assume that these occurrences are not independent from one another, i.e., local people used native populations as a source of the species used as an ornamental plant. Bezsmertna O., Hleb R., \u041erlov O., Vasheniak I., Podpriatov O., Kvakovska I., Danylyk I., Kamleitner K., Ragulina M., Babytskiy A., Rubanovska N. & Lysenko T. (2022):<\/strong> The genus Woodsia<\/em> R. Br. in Ukraine (Woodsiaceae). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (1): 029-054. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-1-03<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract<\/em>: Two species of the genus Woodsia<\/em> R. Br. have been reported for Ukraine: W. alpina<\/em> (Bolton) Gray and W. ilvensis<\/em> (L.) R. Br. Based on our 30 analysis of the literature data and the herbarium specimens of 53 herbaria from Ukraine, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Romania and Slovak Republic, we present maps of the distribution of the genus in Ukraine showing correct, unconfirmed and erroneous records. Our results show a changed perception of the distribution pattern of Woodsia<\/em> genus, particularly the distribution of W. alpina<\/em>. The records of W. alpina<\/em> in the Ukrainian Carpathians were erroneous, only W. ilvensis<\/em> is growing here, and W. alpina<\/em> in Ukraine has been convincingly confirmed only from Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhya region (Steppe zone of Ukraine ), from very low elevation making these sites the lowest in continental Europe. In addition to the distribution analysis, we have focused on a morphological overview of Woodsia<\/em> species and their ecological affinities in Ukraine. A re-evaluation of the threat status of Woodsia<\/em> species, using IUCN criteria, concludes that both species should be assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) in Ukraine. Olejkov\u00e1 D., Ko\u0161\u0165\u00e1l J., \u010euri\u0161ov\u00e1 \u013d. & Eli\u00e1\u0161 P. Jr. (2022):<\/strong> Yellow vetchling (Lathyrus aphaca<\/em> L.) and round-seeded vetchling (Lathyrus sphaericus<\/em> Retz.) \u2013 two species rediscovered for the flora of Slovakia. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (1): 055-065. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-1-04<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> This paper presents information about new findings of two regionally extinct Lathyrus<\/em> species: L. aphaca<\/em> and L. sphaericus<\/em>. A relatively large population of the Lathyrus aphaca<\/em> was found along a unpaved road through abandoned pear orchards at the northern edge of the Doln\u00e9 Vestenice village (W Slovakia, Str\u00e1\u017eovsk\u00e9 vrchy Mts.) in 2019 where it occurs in species-rich shrub vegetation of the Berberidion alliance<\/em>. L. sphaericus<\/em> was found in 2020 on the dry rocky slopes of Kus\u00e1 hora hill near Koz\u00e1rovce (SW Slovakia, \u0160tiavnick\u00e9 vrchy Mts.). It grew in relatively species rich xero-thermophilous vegetation of the Festucion valesiacae<\/em> alliance developed on volcanic rocks. We therefore propose to reclassify both species in the Slovak Red List of Ferns and Vascular Plants from the category „regionally extinct“ to „critically endangered“. Naydenova G., Radkova M. & Iantcheva A. (2022):<\/strong> Legumes in natural post-fire successions of forest meadows and pastures in Northern Bulgaria. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (1): 067-079. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-1-05<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> We have witnessed a drastic increase in global fires in recent years that are strongly linked to climate change. On the other hand, the prescribed fires are applied in agricultural practice; however, their effectiveness is controversial. It is important to study the effects of both types of fires \u2013 wild and prescribed to predict their impact on biota. In this study, four different locations in Central Norther Bulgaria that recovered after the fire were studied concerning the biodiversity and abundance of the first colonizer species. Two generations from the locations were studied and demonstrated that the legume plants are dominant. The abundant species and their morphological and physiological characteristics are described. The annual species like Bituminaria bituminosa<\/em>, Vicia striata<\/em>, and Medicago minima<\/em> propagated with seeds and perennial rhizome Lathyrus pratensis<\/em> and Trifolium medium<\/em> show the best potential to resprout after the fire events. Presented results will help responsible authorities of our county to take adequate actions for burned areas recovery. The directions for future studies are highlighted. Dud\u00e1\u0161 M. (ed.), Kir\u00e1ly G., Kobiv Y. Pliszko A. (2022):<\/strong> New floristic records from Central Europe 9 (reports 122-133). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (1): 081-090. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-1-06<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> The presented ninth part of the series includes twelve new chorological records, one from Poland, one from Romania, two from Slovakia and eight from Ukraine. New locality of regionally invasive species Erechtites hieraciifolius<\/em> in Poland was recorded. In Slovakia, two aliens were reported, Vinca major<\/em> and Persicaria capitata<\/em> which is a new alien species for the flora of Slovakia. Based on the revision of the Rubus<\/em> collections in BP, new records of Rubus perrobustus<\/em> in Romania, furthermore R. bicolor<\/em>, R. orthostachys<\/em>, R. perperus<\/em> and R. radula<\/em> in Ukraine, were found. Also Cortusa matthioli<\/em>, Gentiana lutea<\/em>, Pinguicula vulgaris<\/em> and Waldsteinia geoides<\/em> were reported from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Marcin\u010dinov\u00e1 M. & Tuptov\u00e1 V. (2022):<\/strong> Epiphytic lichen diversity in the urban area of Ko\u0161ice (E Slovakia) with some notes on its air quality. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (2): 091-108. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-2-01<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> Lichen diversity in the City of Ko\u0161ice was studied investigating lichen diversity on 160 trees distributed over 32 sites. Its relationship to pollution sources (steel plant, thermal power station) were determined by calculating the IAP (Index of Atmospheric Purity). A total of 60 lichen species was found, 30 of which are endangered. The rare species Parmelina quercina<\/em> is reported for the first time. The lichen diversity in the City of Ko\u0161ice is decreasing as we move closer to the sources of pollution and also in the southern part of the city. An intermediate level of diversity was identified in residential areas, parks and forest parks. The highest diversity was found in the recreational area at the forest edge, Bankov. Motti R., Ricciardi M. & Giulierini P. (2022):<\/strong> Human-nature relationships in the collections of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples: a botanical perspective. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (2): 109-128. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-2-02<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> The portrayal of plants depicted in works of art in antiquity can provide insights into human\u2013nature relationships. We have identified the botanical species sculpted on marble and stone and depicted on wall paintings, vases, mosaics, and furnishings in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, which houses the greatest collection of Greco-Roman antiquities in the world. In detail, the main objectives of the present study were to analyse and discuss the symbolic role of some plants more strongly linked to a deity or involved in other aspects of Greco-Roman life and customs. The attention was particularly devoted to their symbolic role in mythology, their use in medical and ritual practices, their artistic meaning in domestic representations and their representation in Nilotic scenes. \u0160irka P., Marcin\u010dinov\u00e1 M., Dud\u00e1\u0161 M. & Kube\u0161ov\u00e1 S. (2022):<\/strong> Bryophyte flora of the Ko\u0161ice Zoo (E Slovakia). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (2): 129-149. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-2-03<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> In this paper we studied bryophyte flora of the Ko\u0161ice Zoo and analyzed morphological, life history and ecological traits of the recorded taxa. A total of 129 bryophyte taxa (10 liverworts and 119 mosses) were identified on nine substrate types. One species (Physcomitrium eurystomum<\/em>) potentially belongs to vulnerable species in Slovakia and all of Europe (its identification needs confirmation) and one species (Schistidium dupretii<\/em>) is new to Slovakia. Out of 14 different life forms, the recorded species most frequently form turfs and rough mats, while colonists and perennials predominate among seven displayed life strategies. On average, species found indicate rather well-lit, drier but at the same time colder situations. Most taxa prefer acidic soils but a significant portion are also found on basic substrate. Roughly half of the identified species are bound to forests and roughly half to open land. Almost half of the species found show stronger affinity towards natural ecosystems but a smaller portion are also indicative of ecosystems with a very strong human impact. Substrate frequency indices show that most taxa usually grow on natural rock, soil and gravel or sand but a significant portion are also bound to man-made rock, and both living and dead wood. Such noticeable functional and ecological bryophyte diversity is attributed to a complex geology and diverse landscape of the zoo area which has the prerequisite of being a local hotspot of diversity of other organism groups as well. The Ko\u0161ice Zoo has a major potential in educating visitors about the connection between animals, plants and their habitat and in their active conservation. Shevchyk V. L., Solomakha I. V., Tymochko I. Ya., Dvirna T. S., Borsukevych L. M., Iemelianova S. M., Solomakha V. A. & Shevera M. V. (2022):<\/strong> Impatiens glandulifera<\/em> (Balsaminaceae) in Ukraine: history of distribution, ecological and coenotic peculiarities, and invasiveness. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (2): 151-178. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-2-04<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> We present the history of introduction and further naturalization, recent distribution, ecological and coenotic peculiarity of Impatiens glandulifera<\/em> Royle (Balsaminaceae) in Ukraine. The species of Asian origin was cultivated as an ornamental plant at the beginning of the 20th century in west regions of Ukraine. The main periods and directions of spreading are reconstructed. The map of recent distribution of the species is presented. The first escape from cultivation was recorded in 1938 in the villages Osii and Hankovytsia of Transcarpathian region and in 1939 in Mykhailivka of Khmelnytskyi region. Recently it is a species with high invasive potential in Ukraine, especially in Transcarpathian and western forest region of Ukraine, where it is a transformer. Syntaxonomical scheme of plant communities with participation of I. glandulifera in Ukraine is presented, the species is a component of 13 associations of 6 classes. The species was noted in 11 habitat types of the EUNIS classification. The assessment of the impact of the species on the phytobiota is given. Dud\u00e1\u0161 M. (ed.), \u010euri\u0161ov\u00e1 \u013d., Eli\u00e1\u0161 P. Jr., Eli\u00e1\u0161ov\u00e1 M., Kobiv Y., K\u0161i\u0148an S., Malovcov\u00e1-Stan\u00edkov\u00e1 M., Pliszko A. & Tara\u0161ka V. (2022):<\/strong> New floristic records from Central Europe 10 (reports 134-148). \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (2): 179-192. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-2-05<\/a><\/p>\n Abstract:<\/em> The presented 10th part of the series includes fifteen new chorological records, one from Czechia, two from Hungary, three from Poland, five from Slovakia and four from the Ukrainian Carpathians. In Czech Silesia, Arum maculatum<\/em>, considerably remote from the species continuous distribution area, was found. In Hungary, spreading of Geranium sibiricum<\/em> and Limonium gmelinii<\/em> subsp. hungaricum<\/em> was recorded. In Poland, two alien Erigeron sumatrensis<\/em> and Lepidium didymum<\/em> were found as well as the native species Typha shuttleworthii<\/em>, which is considered vulnerable. In Slovakia, new localities of Scorzonera humilis, Stellaria ruderalis, Taraxacum serotinum<\/em> and Typha shuttleworthii<\/em> were found as well as alien Portulaca grandiflora<\/em>. New records of Centaurea kotschyana, Euphrasia salisburgensis, Galium album<\/em> subsp. suberectum<\/em> and Salix retusa<\/em> were reported in the Ukrainian Carpathians. THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 32, 2022 \u2013 abstracts vol. 32\/1 vol. 32\/2 Eli\u00e1\u0161 P. Jr. (2022): Ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss. (Poaceae) in Slovakia: Distribution, habitat affinities and threats. \u2013 Thaiszia \u2013 J. Bot. 32 (1): 001-015. – https:\/\/doi.org\/10.33542\/TJB2022-1-01 Abstract: This paper presents data on the distribution of Ventanata dubia in Slovakia. I recorded … \u010c\u00edta\u0165 \u010falej<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":15189,"menu_order":11,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"_editorskit_title_hidden":false,"_editorskit_reading_time":8,"_editorskit_is_block_options_detached":false,"_editorskit_block_options_position":"{}","footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-15037","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"acf":{"acf_link_na_externy_obsah":""},"yoast_head":"\n
\nvol. 32\/1
\nvol. 32\/2
\nKeywords<\/em>: central Europe, grasses, mapping, occurrence.
\nFull text<\/a><\/p>\n
\nKeywords<\/em>: adventive flora, nature conservation, Ny\u00e1r\u00e1d\u2013Hark\u00e1ny Plain, protected species, Vill\u00e1ny Mountains.
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\nKeywords<\/em>: Woodsia<\/em>, rare species, morphology, distribution, population, phytosociology.
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\nKeywords:<\/em> central Europe, legumes, occurrence, rare species.
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\nKeywords:<\/em> post-fire successions, legumes.
\nFull text<\/a><\/p>\n
\nKeywords:<\/em> chorology, vascular plants, new findings, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Carpathians, native species, alien, red list species, Rubus<\/em>.
\nFull text<\/a><\/p>\n
\nKeywords:<\/em> lichen distribution, endangered species, eastern Slovakia, air pollution, Central Europe.
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\nKeywords:<\/em> archaeology, botany, mythology, ritual practices, National Archaeological Museum of Naples.
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\nKeywords:<\/em> bryophytes, mosses, liverworts, diversity, conservation.
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\nKeywords:<\/em> alien species, I-Rank values, map, plant communities, spreading, transformer, syntaxonomical scheme, Ukraine.
\nFull text<\/a><\/p>\n
\nKeywords:<\/em> chorology, vascular plants, new findings, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, native species, alien, red list species.
\nFull text<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"