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THAISZIA – JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Volume 18, 2008 – contents

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vol. 18, 2008 – Contents
vol. 17/1-2

ÖZDEMIR C., ALTAN Y., AKTAŞ K. & BARAN P. (2008): Morphological and anatomical investigations on endemic Allium armenum BOISS. & KOTSCHY and  Allium djimilense BOISS. EX REGEL (Alliaceae) species of East Anatolia. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 1-8.
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DÍTĚ D., ELIÁŠ P. JUN. & SÁDOVSKÝ M. (2008): Camphorosmetum annuae RAPAICS ex SOÓ 1933 – vanishing plant community of saline habitats in Slovakia. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 9-20.
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KRICSFALUSY V. & MILLER G. (2008): Invasion and distribution of Cynanchum rossicum (Asclepiadaceae) in the Toronto region, Canada, with remarks on its taxonomy. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 21-36.
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SUPUKA J., FERIANCOVÁ Ľ. & BIHUŇOVÁ M. (2008): Leaf impact trends of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) by allochtonous elements at Nitra town urban vegetation. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 37-49.
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ŠOLTÉS R. (2008): Philonotis marchica (Bryophyta), new record in Slovakia (exhausted fen Krivý kút, Poprad Basin). – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 51-54.
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ŠOLTÉS R. (2008): Racomitrium elongatum FRISVOLL, a neglected Slovakian bryophyte. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 59-64.
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MIKOLÁŠ V. (2008): Sorbus hugh-mcallisteri nom. nov. for Sorbus apiculata McAllister 2005, nom. illeg. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 65-67.
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MELEGHIK O., SOLOMAKHA V. & SOLOMAKHA T. (2008): Structure and adjective vegetations of grass-plots in Kyiv. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 69-74.
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KNEŽEVIĆ A., STOJANOVIĆ S., NIKOLIĆ LJ., DŽIGURSKI D. & LJEVNAIĆ B. (2008): Ecological analysis of the flora of saline sites in the northern part of Banat region in Vojvodina Province (Serbia). – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 75-92.
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KORMUŤÁK A., VOOKOVÁ B., ČAMEK V., BOLEČEK P. & GÖMÖRY D.  (2008): Pollen size and viability in hybrid swarm populations of Pinus mugo Turra and Pinus sylvestris L. – Thaiszia – J. Bot. 18: 93-100.
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