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Wetland in the Botanical Garden

Botanická záhrada UPJŠ v Košiciach sa dlhodobo podieľa na záchrane mnohých rastlinných, ale aj vybraných živočíšnych druhov. Jedným z nich je karas zlatistý (Carassius carassius), naša pôvodná kaprovitá ryba. Podľa Červeného zoznamu rýb a mihuľovcov patrí medzi silne ohrozené druhy. Preto v roku 2022 začala po prvýkrát na Slovensku vzájomná spolupráca viacerých inštitúcií zameraná na … Continued
February 15, 2024


Due to the preparation of orchid exhibition, the exhibition greenhouses will be closed to the public from 12th to 22nd February. The outdoor area will remain open from 9 am to 3 pm. Thank you for your understanding.
February 8, 2024

Jungle Night is back!

We invite you to a unique evening guided tour of the tropical greenhouses. December dates are currently available - Fridays and Saturdays at 6pm and 7pm.
November 16, 2023


Srdečne vás pozývame na výstavu VČELÁRSTVO v dňoch 10. až 26. novembra 2023 v čase 9h – 17h. Výstava bude okrem ukážky predmetov spojených s chovom včiel a výrobou medu, doplnená aj o nasledovný program: Súčasťou výstavy sú aj odborné prednášky pre verejnosť v týchto termínoch: 18.11.2023 09:30 hod. – Zuzana Slivenská – Apidomček v … Continued
October 27, 2023


On Friday, October 20, an OPEN DOOR DAY will take place at our university. The gates of our Botanical Garden will also be open. Visitors will be offered to purchase not only our own surplus plants, but also plants from cactus, citrus and bonsai clubs. You are welcome from 9am to 5pm.
October 13, 2023

Notice – Project VODAS

Dear visitors, since August 2023, the VODAS project has been taking place in the outdoor area, the aim of which is to collect rainwater from the roofs of greenhouses. Because of the project, it is necessary to carry out excavation work between the greenhouses and their surroundings, thus we apologize for the temporary reduction in … Continued
September 8, 2023

The concert of the band PLEASE´N THANK YOU

We invite you to the concert of the band PLEASE´N THANK YOU, which will play rock cover versions live in the magical environment of the botanical garden. The concert will take place on Friday, September 22 at 6 pm in the garden gazebo. You can buy tickets at our cash desk before the event at … Continued

Study at UPJŠ