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We invite you to the exhibition of live tropical butterflies

0minút, 34sekúnd

We invite you to the exhibition of live tropical butterflies, which will take place in the Viktória greenhouse from 17th May to 30th June 2024 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Due to the preparation of the exhibition, the Viktória greenhouse will be closed until 16th May. Other exhibition greenhouses and the outdoor area are open without restrictions.

On the Fridays and weekends, the exhibition will be complemented by the sale of prepared insects by Michal Zachar (Entotera). During the entire duration of the exhibition, there will also be an exhibition of taxidermied insects in the vestibule.

Please note that the last entry to the butterfly exhibition will be allowed at 4:30 p.m.

Study at UPJŠ