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Fedotova, J., Akulova, V., Pivina, S., Dragasek, J., Caprnda, M., & Kruzliak, P. (2017). Modifications of anxiety-like behavior in prenatally stressed male offspring with imbalance of androgens. American Journal of Translational Research, 9(3), pp. 1448-1459.

Julia Fedotova, Daria Zarembo, Jozef Dragasek, Martin Caprnda, Peter Kruzliak, & Tatyana Dudnichenko. (2017). Modulating Effects of Cholecalciferol Treatment on Estrogen Deficiency-Induced Anxiety-Like Behavior of Adult Female Rats. Folia Medica, 59(2), 95–112.

Fizikova, I., & Dragasek, J. (2017). Mitochondrial Dysfunction and New Therapeutic Targets in Bipolar Affective Disorder. Psychiatric Annals, 47(2), 100. 10.3928/00485713-20170103-01.

Martina Chylová, Miriam Slavkovská. Možnosti neuropsychologickej diagnostiky a kognitívneho tréningu psychických funkcií u psychiatrických pacientov /. – Č. projektu: CEEPM-ITMS:26220120067 (100%) . In: Psychiatria pre prax. – ISSN 1335-9584. – Roč. 15, č. 2 (2014), s. 55-58.

Employment status and perceived health status in younger and older people with multiple sclerosis / Martina Krokavcova … [et al.]. – Č. projektu: MŠ SR – APVV .
In: International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. – ISSN 0342-5282. – Vol. 35, no. 1 (2012), s. 40-47.

Electroconvulsive Therapy in Slovakia / Jozef Dragasek.
In: Journal of ECT. – ISSN 1095-0680. – Vol. 28, no. 2 (2012), s. e7-e8.

Self-rated health and employment status in patients with multiple sclerosis / Martina Krokavcová … [et al.]. – Č. projektu: MŠ SR – APVV 20-038305.
In: Disability and Rehabilitation. – ISSN 0963-8288. – Vol. 32, no. 21 (2010), s. 1742-1748.

Perceived health status as measured by the SF-36 in patients with multiple sclerosis – a review / Martina Krokavcova … [et al.]. – Č. projektu: APVV 20-038305.
In: Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. – ISSN 0283-9318. – Vol. 23, is. 3 (2009), s. 529-538.

Mastery, functional disability and perceived health status in patients with multiple sclerosis / M. Krokavcová … [et al.].
In: European Journal of Neurology. – ISSN 1351-5101. – Vol. 15, is. 11 (2008), s. 1237-1244.

Social support as a predictor of perceived health status in patients with multiple sclerosis / Martina Krokavcova … [et al.].
In: Patient Education and Counseling. – ISSN 0738-3991. – Vol. 73, is. 1 (2008), s. 159-165.

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