
List of research articles published in (S)SCI journals<\/h3>\n

2016 <\/h3>\n
  1. Silarova B, Nagyova I<\/strong>, Rosenberger J, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA. Sense of coherence as a mediator between hostility and health-related quality of life among coronary heart disease patients. Heart & Lung: Journal of Acute and Critical Care 2016, 45,2:126-131, IF 1.290, Q2<\/li>\n
  2. Benka J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger J, Macejova Z, Lazurova I, van der Klink JL, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Social participation in early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients. Disability and Rehabilitation 2016, 38,12:1172-1179, IF 1.985, Q1<\/li>\n
  3. Mikula P, Nagyova I<\/strong>, Krokavcova M, Vitkova M, Rosenberger J, Szilasiova J, Gdovinova Z, Stewart RE, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Self-esteem, social participation, and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Health Psychology, 2016; IF 3.2020, Q2 [Epub ahead of print]<\/li>\n
  4. Benka J, Nagyova I<\/strong>, Rosenberger J, Macejova Z, Lazurova I, van der Klink JLL, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Social participation and health related quality of life in early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, Article in Press, DOI: 10.1007\/s10882-016-9475-3<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    2015 (9)<\/h3>\n
    1. Behanova M, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, Nagyova<\/strong> I, van Ameijden EJC, Dijkshoorn H, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA. The effect of neighbourhood unemployment on health-risk behaviours in elderly differs between Slovak and Dutch cities. European Journal of Public Health 2015, 25, 1: 108-114, IF 2.516, Q1,<\/li>\n
    2. Skorvanek M, Gdovinova Z, Rosenberger J, Ghorbani Saeedian R, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. The associations between fatigue, apathy, and depression in Parkinson\u2019s disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2015,133: 80-87, IF 2.474, Q2,<\/li>\n
    3. Prihodova L, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger J, Roland R, Majernikova M, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Social participation after kidney transplantation as a predictor of graft loss and mortality over 10 years: A longitudinal study. Transplantation 2015; 99:568\u2013575, IF 3.535, Q1<\/li>\n
    4. Gavelova<\/strong> M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger J, Krokavcova M, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Importance of an individual\u2019s evaluation of functional status for health-related quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Health Journal, 2015, 8:372-379, IF 1.446, Q2<\/li>\n
    5. Mikula <\/strong>P, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Krokavcova M, Vitkova M, Rosenberger J, Szilasiova J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. The mediating effect of coping on the association between fatigue and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. Psychology, Health and Medicine 2015, 20, 6: 653-661, IF 1.255, Q3<\/li>\n
    6. Sudzinova A, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger J, Studencan M, Vargova H, Middel B, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA. Seven years\u2019 mortality in Roma and non-Roma patients after coronary angiography. European Journal of Public Health 2015, in press, IF 2.516, Q1<\/li>\n
    7. Behanova M, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, Nagyova<\/strong> I, van Ameijden EJ, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA. Elderly from lower socioeconomic groups are more vulnerable to mental health problems, but area deprivation does not contribute: a comparison between Slovak and Dutch cities. European Journal of Public Health 2015 – in press, IF 2.516, Q1<\/li>\n
    8. Behanova M, Reijneveld SA, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, van Ameijden EJ, Dijkshoorn H, van Dijk JP. Are area-level and individual-level socioeconomic factors associated with self-rated health in adult urban citizens? Evidence from Slovak and Dutch cities. European Journal of Public Health 2015 – in press, IF 2.516, Q1<\/li>\n
    9. Mikula <\/strong> P, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Krokavcova M, Vitkova M, Rosenberger J, Szilasiova J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Social participation and health-related quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Health Journal 2015, 8: 29-34, IF 1.446, Q2 <\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      2014 (16)<\/h3>\n
      1. Mikula P, Nagyova I<\/strong>, Krokavcova M, Vitkova M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Szilasiova J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Coping and its importance for quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation 2014, 36, 9:732-736, IF 1.541, Q1<\/li>\n
      2. Silarova<\/strong> B, Nagyova I<\/strong>, van Dijk JP, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Reijneveld SA. Anxiety and sense of coherence in Roma and non-Roma coronary heart disease patients.Ethnicity & Health 2014, 19, 5: 500-511, IF 1.203, Q1<\/li>\n
      3. Silarova<\/strong> B, van Dijk JP, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Reijneveld SA. Differences in health-related quality of life between Roma and non-Roma coronary heart disease patients: the role of hostility. International Journal of Public Health 2014, 59:271-277., IF 1.993, Q1<\/li>\n
      4. Silarova <\/strong>B, Nagyova<\/strong> I, van Dijk JP, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Studencan M, Reijneveld SASense of coherence as a predictor of health-related behaviours among patients with coronary heart disease. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2014, 13, 4:345-356, IF 2.042, Q1<\/li>\n
      5. Prihodova<\/strong> L, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Roland R, Groothoff JW, Majernikova M, van Dijk JP. Health-related quality of life 3 months after kidney transplantation as a predictor of survival over 10 years: a longitudinal study. Transplantation 2014,97,11:1139-1145, IF 3.781, Q1<\/li>\n
      6. Vitkova M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Krokavcova M, Szilasiova J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients with bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction. Disability and Rehabilitation 2014,36,12:987-992 , IF 1.541, Q1<\/li>\n
      7. Ghorbani Saeedian<\/strong> R, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Klein D, Skorvanek M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Self-rated health mediates the association between functional status and health-related quality of life in Parkinson\u2019s disease. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2014,23,13-14:1970-1977, IF 1.316, Q1<\/li>\n
      8. Benka J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Calfova A, Macejova Z, Lazurova I, van Dijk JP, Groothoff JW. Social Support as a Moderator of Functional Disability\u2019s Effect on Depressive Feelings in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Four-Year Prospective Study. Rehabilitation Psychology 2014, 59,1: 19-26., IF 1.674, Q1<\/li>\n
      9. Behanova<\/strong> M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, van Ameijden EJC, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA. Health-risk behaviours in deprived urban neighbourhoods: a comparison between Slovak and Dutch cities. International Journal of Public Health 2014, 59:405-414, IF 1.993, Q1<\/li>\n
      10. Benka J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong>, Macejova Z, Lazurova I, van der Klink J, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Is Coping Self-Efficacy Related to Psychological Distress in Early and Established Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients? Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 2014, 26:285-297., IF 1.134, Q2<\/li>\n
      11. Vitkova M, Gdovinova Z, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Szilasiova J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Mikula<\/strong> P, Krokavcova M, Groothoff J.W., van Dijk J.P. Factors associated with poor sleep quality in patients with multiple sclerosis differ by disease duration. Disability and Health Journal 2014, 7:466-471, IF 1.446, Q2<\/li>\n
      12. Prihodova<\/strong> L, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger J, Roland R, Majernikova M, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Social Participation After Kidney Transplantation as a Predictor of Graft Loss and Mortality Over 10 Years: A Longitudinal Study. Transplantation 2014. Article in press., IF 3.781, Q1<\/li>\n
      13. Prihodova <\/strong>L, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Majernikova M, Roland R, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Adherence in patients in the first year after kidney transplantation and its impact on graft loss and mortality: a cross-sectional and prospective study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2014, 70, 12: 2871-2883<\/li>\n
      14. Kolvek G, Podracka L, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Stewart RE, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA.Solitary Functioning Kidney in Children-A Follow-Up Study. Kidney & Blood Pressure Research 2014, 39:272-278<\/li>\n
      15. Sarkova M, Bacikova-Sleskova M, Madarasova Geckova A, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, van den Heuvel W, van Dijk JP Adolescents\u2019 psychological well-being and self-esteem in the context of relationships at school Educational Research 2014, 56, 4:367\u2013378, IF 0.339, Q4<\/li>\n
      16. Ghorbani Saeedian R, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Krokavcova M, Skorvanek M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP The role of social support in anxiety and depression among Parkinson\u2019s disease patients. Disability and Rehabilitation 2014, 36, 24:2044-2049, IF 1.837, Q1<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

        2013 (13)<\/h3>\n
        1. Dubayova T, Krokavcova M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Gdovinova Z, Middel B, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Type D, anxiety and depression in association with quality of life in patients with Parkinson\u2019s disease and patients with multiple sclerosis. Quality of Life Research, 2013, 22, 6:1353\u20131360., IF 2.412, Q1<\/li>\n
        2. Skorvanek M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Krokavcova M, Ghrobani Saeedian<\/strong> R, Groothoff JW, Gdovinova Z, van Dijk JP. Clinical determinants of primary and secondary fatigue in patients with Parkinson\u2019s disease. Journal of Neurology 2013, 260, 6:1554-1561, IF 3.578, Q1<\/li>\n
        3. Skorvanek M, Kosutzka Z, Valkovic P, Ghorbani Saeedian<\/strong> R, Gdovinova Z, LaPelle N, Huang J, Tilley B, Stebbins G, Goetz C. Validation of Slovak version of the Movement Disorder Society \u2013 Unified Parkinson\u2019s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS). Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie 2013, 76: 463-468, IF 0,372, Q4<\/li>\n
        4. Sudzinova A, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Studencan M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Skodova Z, Vargova H, Middel B, Reijneveld SA, van Dijk JP. Roma coronary heart disease patients have more medical risk factors. and greater severity of coronary heart disease than non-Roma. International Journal of Public Health 2013, 58, 3:409-415, IF 1.993, Q1<\/li>\n
        5. Skorvanek M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Gdovinova Z, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Ghorbani Saeedian R, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Apathy in Elderly Nondemented Patients With Parkinson\u00b4s Disease: Clinical Determinants and Relationship to Quality of Life.Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 2013, 26,4:237-243, IF 3.525, Q1<\/li>\n
        6. Noone D, Mahony O, van Dijk JP, Prihodova<\/strong> L. A survey of the outcome of prophylaxis, on-demand treatment or combined treatment in 18-35-year old men with severe haemophilia in six countries. Haemophilia 2013,19,1: 44-50, IF 3.170, Q2<\/li>\n
        7. Behanova<\/strong> M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, van Ameijden EJC, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA. The effect of urban-area unemployment on the mental health of citizens differs between Slovak and Dutch cities. Health & Place 2013, 24: 210-215, IF 2.419, Q1<\/li>\n
        8. van Dijk JP, Havlikova E, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Skorvanek M, Gdovinova Z, Lok W, Groothoff JW, Middel B. Influence of disease severity on fatigue in patients with Parkinson\u2019s disease is mainly mediated by symptoms of depression. European Neurology 2013, 70, 201-209, IF 1.500, Q3<\/li>\n
        9. O’Mahony B, Noone D,Giangrande PLF, Prihodova<\/strong> L Haemophilia care in Europe \u2013 a survey of 35 countries. Haemophilia 2013,19,4: 239-247, IF 3.170, Q2<\/li>\n
        10. Conceicao C, Grimaud O, McCarthy M, Barnhoorn F, Sammut M, Saliba A, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, Narkauskaite L. Programmes and calls for public health research in European countries. European Journal of Public Health 2013, 23, 2: 30\u201334, IF 2.516, Q1<\/li>\n
        11. McCarthy M, Conceicao C, Grimaud O, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, Saliba A, Sammut M, Narkauskaite L. Competitive funding and structures for public health research in European countries. European Journal of Public Health 2013, 23, 2: 39\u201342, IF 2.516, Q1<\/li>\n
        12. McCarthy M, Alexanderson K, Voss M, Conceicao C, Grimaud O, Narkauskaite L, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, Saliba A, Sammut M. Impact of innovations in national public health markets in Europe. European Journal of Public Health 2013, 23, 2: 25\u201329, IF 2.516, Q1<\/li>\n
        13. Zeegers Paget D, Barnhoorn F, McCarthy M, Alexanderson K, Conceicao C, Deville W, Grimaud O, Katreniakova<\/strong> Z, Narkauskaite L, Saliba A, Sammut M, Voss M.Civil society engagement in innovation and research through the European Public Health Association. European Journal of Public Health 2013, 23, 2: 12\u201318, IF 2.516, Q1<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

          2012 (5)<\/h3>\n
          1. Silarova <\/strong>B, Nagyova <\/strong>I, Rosenberger <\/strong>J, Studencan M, Ondusova D, Reijneveld SA, van Dijk JP. Sense of coherence as an independent predictor of health-related quality of life among coronary heart disease patients. Quality of Life Research, 2012, 21, 10:1863\u20131871, IF 2.412, Q1<\/li>\n
          2. Majernikova M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Prihodova<\/strong> L, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Roland R, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Self-rated health predicts mortality and graft loss after kidney transplantation: A 10-year follow-up study. American Journal of Nephrology 2012, 36, 5: 459\u2013465, IF 2.623, Q2<\/li>\n
          3. Krokavcova M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Gavelova M, Middel B, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Employment status and perceived health status in younger and older people with multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2012, 35, 1:40-47, IF 1.055, Q3<\/li>\n
          4. Kolvek G, Rosicova K, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Podracka L, Stewart RE, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Reijneveld SA, van Dijk JP. End-stage renal disease among Roma and non- Roma: Roma are at risk. International Journal of Public Health 2012, 57, 4: 751-754. , IF 1.993, Q1<\/li>\n
          5. Benka J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Calfova A, Macejova Z, Middel B, Lazurova I, van Dijk JP, Groothoff JW. Social support and psychological distress in rheumatoid arthritis: a 4-year prospective study. Disability & Rehabilitation 2012, 34, 9: 754-761, IF 1.541, Q1<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

            2011 (4)<\/h3>\n
            1. Majernikova M, Prihodova<\/strong> L, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Roland R, GRoothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Factors associated with self-rated health after kidney transplantation: a prospective study. American Journal of Nephrology 2011, 33, 4:364\u2013369, IF 2.623, Q2<\/li>\n
            2. Havlikova E, van Dijk JP, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Middel B, Dubayova T, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW. The impact of sleep and mood disorders on quality of life in Parkinson\u2019s disease patients. Journal of Neurology, 2011, 258, 12: 2222-2229, IF 3.578, Q1 <\/li>\n
            3. Kolvek G, Reijneveld SA, Podracka L, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Nagyova<\/strong> I, van Dijk JP.End-stage renal disease in Slovak children: epidemiology from a European perspective. European Journal of Pediatrics 2011, 170, 11:1445\u20131451, IF 1.907, Q2<\/li>\n
            4. Skodova Z, van Dijk JP, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Ondusova D, Middel B, Reijneveld SA. Psychosocial predictors of change in quality of life in patients after coronary interventions Heart & Lung: Journal of Acute and Critical Care, 2011, 40, 4:331-339., IF 1.404, Q1<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

              2010 (6)<\/h3>\n
              1. Rosenberger<\/strong> J, van Dijk JP, Prihodova<\/strong> L, Majernikova M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Roland R, Madarasova Geckova A, van den Heuvel WJA, Groothoff JW. Differences in perceived health status between kidney transplant recipients and dialysed patients are based mainly on the selection process. Clinical Transplantation 2010, 24, 3: 358-365 , IF 1.634, Q2<\/li>\n
              2. Dubayova T, van Dijk JP, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Havlikova E, Gdovinova Z, Middel B, Groothoff JW. The impact of the intensity of fear on patient\u2019s delay regarding health care seeking behavior: a systematic review. International Journal of Public Health 2010, 55, 5: 459-468. , IF 1.993, Q1<\/li>\n
              3. Krokavcova M, Nagyova<\/strong> I, van Dijk JP, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Gavelova M, Middel B, Szilasiova J, Gdovinova Z, Groothoff JW. Self-rated health and employment status in patients with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation 2010,32,21: 1742-1748., IF 1.541, Q1<\/li>\n
              4. Majernikova M, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Prihodova<\/strong> L, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Roland R, van Dijk JP, Groothoff JW. Self-rated health after kidney transplantation and the change in graft function. Dialysis & Transplantation 2010, 39, 10: 440-444, IF 0.274, Q4<\/li>\n
              5. Prihodova<\/strong> L, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Roland R, van Dijk JP, Groothoff JW.Impact of personality and psychological distress on health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. Transplant International 2010, 23, 5: 484-492, IF 3.155, Q1<\/li>\n
              6. Skodova Z, van Dijk JP, Nagyova<\/strong> I, Rosenberger<\/strong> J, Ondusova D, Studencan M, Reijneveld SA. Psychosocial factors of coronary heart disease and quality of life among Roma coronary patients: a study matched by socioeconomic position. International Journal of Public Health 2010, 55, 5: 373-380. , IF 1.993, Q1<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":61828,"menu_order":1,"template":"","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"_editorskit_title_hidden":false,"_editorskit_reading_time":0,"_editorskit_is_block_options_detached":false,"_editorskit_block_options_position":"{}","footnotes":""},"categories":[],"tags":[],"tax_aktuality":[],"class_list":["post-61838","cpt_ustav","type-cpt_ustav","status-publish","hentry"],"acf":{"acf_link_na_externy_obsah":""},"yoast_head":"\nPublications - Lek\u00e1rska fakulta | UPJ\u0160<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/www.upjs.sk\/lekarska-fakulta\/en\/department\/social-and-behavioural-medicine\/research\/publications\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Publications - Lek\u00e1rska fakulta | UPJ\u0160\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"List of research articles published in (S)SCI journals 2016  Silarova B, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, van Dijk JP, Reijneveld SA. Sense of coherence as a mediator between hostility and health-related quality of life among coronary heart disease patients. 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Sense of coherence as a mediator between hostility and health-related quality of life among coronary heart disease patients. 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