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The department participates in pedagogical activities within the framework of doctoral and PhD studies, Student scientific and professional activity and, in cooperation with project managers, ensures the transfer of knowledge gained in scientific research activities to the teaching process and the professional public in the form of lectures and publications.

General medicine

Acquisition of standard laboratory procedures and methods in experimental animals – optional subject (2nd year of study)

Course of study, Graduation conditions, Recommended literature

Defended final theses:

Diploma thesis: Tubulated stomach as a replacement after oesophageal resection: possibilities to prevent ischemic damage in an experiment
Student: Dominika Matiová, field of study – general medicine,
Academic year: 2022–2023
Supervisor: doc. MUDr. Ivan Kováč, PhD.
Workplaces: II. surgical clinic UPJŠ MF and UHLP
Laboratory of research biomodels UPJŠ MF
The diploma thesis was evaluated as the best diploma thesis in the 6th year of GM in the Academic year 2023/2024

Diploma thesis: Chronobiological profile of the effect of Zoletil anaesthesia on the activity of the autonomic nervous system in an in vivo model in both sexes of Wistar rats.
Student: Miroslava Macková, field of study – general medicine,
Academic year: 2016-2018
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Pavol Švorc, CSc.
Workplaces: Institute of Medical Physiology UPJŠ MF
Laboratory of research biomodels UPJŠ MF
Thesis defended: 10.09.2018

Diploma thesis: Sex differences in Wistar rats in the internal environment under Zoletil anaesthesia. Chronobiological view.
Student: Jaroslava Gramátová, field of study – general medicine,
Academic year: 2016-2018
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Pavol Švorc, CSc.
Workplaces: Institute of Medical Physiology UPJŠ MF
Laboratory of research biomodels UPJŠ MF
Thesis defended: 10.09.2018

Diploma thesis: Adipose tissue and perspectives of the use of adipocytokines in the treatment of diabetes
Student: Jana Štelmachová, field of study – general medicine,
Academic year: 2012-2014
Leader: RNDr. Darina Petrášová, PhD.
Scientific research and experimental workplaces: Institute of Experimental Medicine UPJŠ MF, Laboratory of research biomodels UPJŠ MF
Thesis defended: 09.09.2014

Study at UPJŠ