Department for International Relations and Presentation of the Faculty in Abroad

Ing. Zuzana Zánická
Deputy Head for International Relations and Educational Activities in the English Language
Tel./VoIP: +421 55 234 3462
Office Hours:
Monday: Consultations on Educational Activities -12:30-14:30 (on behalf of the Vice-Dean prof. MUDr. Želmíra Macejová, PhD., 4th floor, door no. 10)
Tuesday: Consultations on Tuition Fee- 9:00-12:00
Wednesday: Consultations on Tuition fee- 12:30-14:30
Thursday: Consultations on Educational Activities 9:00-12:00 (on behalf of the Vice-Dean prof. MUDr. Želmíra Macejová, PhD., 4th floor, door no. 10)
Responsible for: Educational Activities in the English Language, Tuition Fee, Study Contracts, Foreign Representatives
RNDr. Nela Farkašová, PhD.
Responsible for: Erasmus+, Free Mover
Tel./VoIP: +421 55 234 3309