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Research projects

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As project leaders and national coordinators we have been involved in over 30 research projects, including projects funded by the European Commission (e.g. H2020, 3rd HP, FP7, DG SANTE), International Funds (OSF, IVF), the Slovak Research Agencies (APVV, VEGA), and Structural Funds (ASFEU).

For the complete list of projects please click here


IMMERSE: The Implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in Clinical Care Pathways
Scheme EC H2020, SC1-BHC, No. 945263, Budget: 4 mil EUR
Duration 2021-2025

National / UPJS: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
International: Katholieke Universiteit Leuwen, BE; Prof. Inez Myin-Germeys

Summary This project aspires to advance the transformation of mental health care in Europe intro a true person-centered care, using a unique Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) – a structured mHealth diary technique. By conducting a thorough implementation study including identifying and overcoming several barriers for implementation, we aim for a further scale-up of mHealth technology in routine clinical healthcare in 4 European countries (Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Slovakia) and beyond.
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iCARE Study: International COVID-19 Awareness and Responses Evaluation Study
Scheme CIHR: SMC-151518; Consortium of 150+ international collaborators from 40+ countries; Budget: multi-source funding
Duration 2020-ongoing

National: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
International: Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre, Canada;
Prof. Kim Lavoie & Prof. Simon Bacon

Summary The key to halting the rapid spread of COVID-19 and ‘flattening the curve’ is public adherence to drastic, rapidly evolving behaviour-based prevention policies that are being implemented around the world. iCARE is an international multi-wave cross-sectional observational cohort study of public awareness, attitudes, and responses to public health policies implemented to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Survey data is being collected in monthly waves and linked at the country/province-level with Oxford Government Policy Tracker data.
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APVV-22-0587 – BIOCCOM: Behavioural Innovations in Chronic Condition Management
Scheme APVV/SRDA – Slovak Research and Development Agency; No. APVV-22-0587; Budget: 249.997 EUR
Duration 2023-2027
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
Summary This transdisciplinary project aims to enhance the capacity to design and implement innovative, effective, and evidence-based health behaviour change intervention programs within routine clinical practice. By leveraging the potential of behavioural interventions this project addresses the pressing needs of underfunded and overstretched healthcare systems. Ultimately, it seeks to empower healthcare professionals with the tools and knowledge necessary to drive meaningful, sustainable improvements in patient health outcomes.
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Tento obrázok nemá vyplnený ALT popisok, jeho názov je vava-999x1024.png BML: Behavioural Medicine Laboratory for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Diseases
Scheme VAIA – Research and Innovation Authority No.: 09-I03-03-V06-00017;
Budget: 99.998 EUR
Duration 2024-2025
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Iveta Nagyova

The aim of the project is to equip and modernize an innovative behavioural-medical laboratory for designing and testing interventions for the prevention and management of chronic diseases, which will improve patients’ physical and mental well-being. The project will contribute to maximizing the results and outcomes of the interlinked APVV-22-0587 project.

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Tento obrázok nemá vyplnený ALT popisok, jeho názov je vava-999x1024.png IMMERSE+: Implementing Mobile Health Recording Strategy: Cardio-Plus 
Scheme VAIA – Research and Innovation Authority No.: 09I01-03-V04-00101;
Budget: 120.229 EUR
Duration 2024-2026
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
Summary IMMERSE+ project advances the transformation of healthcare for patients with multimorbidities into true patient-centered care, which allows patients to actively participate in the treatment process and decision-making. The IMMERSE+ project will utilizes a unique experience sampling methodology (Experience Sampling Methodology – ESM), which will be integrated into an mHealth clinical tool – Digital Mobile Health (DMH). The project will evaluate the strategies, processes, and outcomes of implementing DMH in multimorbid patients. IMMERSE+ will also identify key barriers and facilitators to the implementation of DMH, thus providing a unique ecosystem for the successful use of the mHealth tool in everyday clinical practice.
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VEGA 1/0097/24: Digital Health Literacy of Older Adults as a Tool for Supporting Active Aging
Scheme VEGA – Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic; No. VEGA 1/0097/24; Budget: 67.176 EUR (planned)
Duration 2024-2026
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr.Zuzana Katreniakova
Summary This project aims to enhance the quality of life and promote active aging among older adults by advancing their digital health literacy. By assessing current literacy levels, educational needs, as well as identifying key facilitators and barriers, the project will design and implement a tailored pilot intervention. Following rigorous evaluation of its effectiveness, the intervention will be positioned as a model of best practice, informing policies and strategies to support active aging in Slovakia.
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VEGA 1/0608/23: Management of ‘Invisible Symptoms’ and their Association with Treatment Adherence in People with Multiple Sclerosis
Scheme VEGA-Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic;
No. 1/0608/23; Budget: 30.813 EUR
Duration 2023-2025
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Pavol Mikula
Summary The project investigates the effectiveness of various management and coping strategies in the comprehensive treatment of the ‘invisible’ symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as fatigue, cognitive changes, depression, low self-esteem, pain, or anxiety. It aims to provide a complex understanding of disease management by evaluating both adherence to pharmacological therapies and the adoption of health-promoting behavioural practices.
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SCIROCCO Exchange: Personalised Knowledge Transfer and Access to Tailored Evidence-Based Assets on Integrated Care

Scheme EC 3rd HP-PJ-2018; No. 826676; Budget: 1.5 mil EUR
Duration 2019-2022

National: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
International: Scottish Government, UK, Dr. Donna Henderson

Summary The project followed upon the preliminary achievements of the B3 Action Group on Integrated Care of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA). The aim was to explore the potential expansion of the SCIROCCO Maturity Model and its online self-assessment tool for integrated care to other relevant areas of active and healthy ageing.
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FOSTREN: Fostering and Strengthening Approaches to Reducing Coercion in European Mental Health Services
Scheme EC COST Action CA19133; Budget: n/a

National: Dr. Dagmar Breznoscakova, MD
International: St Olavs Hospital Hf, Trondheim, Norway; Prof. Richard Whittington

Summary FOSTREN was an EC Action designed to establish a sustainable, multidisciplinary network of researchers and practitioners focused on reducing the degree to which mental health services use coercion in hospital and community mental health services.
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INHEAL: Innovation in Health Literacy
Scheme IVF, Budget: 33.603  EUR
Duration 2022-2023

National / UPJS: Zuzana Katreniakova, MD, PhD
International: Institute for Health Literacy, CZ, Jan Hauser

Summary The INHEAL project addressed the problem of the low level of health literacy of seniors in the V4 countries. The aim of the project was to offer service providers for seniors the knowledge and tools needed to educate their clients in the area of a healthy lifestyle, utilizing health services, and taking medications. Emphasis was also placed on using innovative methods based on ICT, such as e-health, m-health, e-prescriptions, and others identified by project partners.
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VEGA 1/0748/22: Behavioral Innovations in the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adult Population
Scheme VEGA-Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic;
No. 1/0748/22; Budget: 43.893 EUR
Duration 2022-2024
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Vladimira Timkova
Summary The project assessed the potential enablers and barriers to behaviour change in weight management. It described the extent to which body weight represented the result of personal resources and behaviour – understanding the problem, motivation, support, and self-control. The knowledge obtained can help to develop weight management strategies that might assist patients and healthcare professionals.
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VEGA 1/0372/20: Utilizing Eco-social and Behavioural Interventions in Preventing the Burden of Caregivers for People with Alzheimer’s Disease
Scheme VEGA-Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic;
No. 1/0372/20; Budget: 36.509 EUR
Duration 2020-2022
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Zuzana Katreniakova, MD
Summary The goal of the research project was to verify the effectiveness of eco-social and behavioural interventions in preventing the burden of caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s disease and to formulate evidence-based recommendations for practice and public social-health policy. A series of interventions for caregivers were developed based on an analysis of the relationships between demographic, psychosocial and behavioural factors of dementia and their impact on functional status and quality of life of persons with dementia.
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APVV-15-0719 – LORICCOM: Longitudinal Research on Psychosocial Innovations in Chronic Condition Management 
Scheme APVV/SRDA – Slovak Research and Development Agency; No. APVV-15-0719; Budget: 184.812 EUR
Duration 2016-2020
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
Summary This multidisciplinary research project was to deepened our understanding of effective chronic disease management as well as to increase awareness of professionals and the general public regarding integrated models of care. The results highlighted the importance of patients’ self-management support, which is a key aspect of patient-centered approaches in healthcare. The project also highlighted the relevance of non-pharmacological interventions, such as physical exercise or cognitive-behavioural therapy, for improving health outcomes.
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EURO-URHIS 2: European Urban Health Indicators System Part 2
Scheme European Commission: FP7-HEALTH-2007-B;  No. 223711; Budget: 3 mil EUR
Duration 2009-2013

National: Dr. Iveta Nagyova & Dr. Zuzana Katreniakova, MD
International: University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Dr. Arpana Verma MBChB, MPH, MFPH

Summary Measuring urban health is important due to increasing urbanisation and globalisation. The EURO-URHIS 2 project identified urban health indicators and their availability with aim to develop methodology and validate tools useful to policymakers at all levels to make health gains via evidence-based policy decisions for urban populations. Differences between countries in health indicators were compared for benchmarking and to make changes. Health profiles from more than 40 cities from 14 countries have been published. From Slovakia health profiles of Bratislava and Kosice have been published.
ICARE4EU: Innovating Care for People With Multiple Chronic Conditions in Europe
Scheme EC DG SANCO, EAHC, No. 20121205; Budget: 1.2 mil EUR
Duration 2013-2016

National: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
International: NIVEL – Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research;
Dr. Mieke Rijken

Summary The ICARE4EU project aimed to improve the care for 50 million people suffering from multiple chronic conditions in Europe. The complex health care problems of these patients and their need for continuous and multidisciplinary care poses a great challenge to health systems and social services. But also from a patient perspective, improvements in for instance the organization of care and the level of their own involvement in the care process are important. ICARE4EU described and analysed innovative approaches in multidisciplinary care for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe.
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 APVV-0220-10: LORIDIS – Longitudinal Research on Incapacitating Chronic Disease
Scheme APVV/SRDA – Slovak Research and Development Agency; No. APVV-0220-10; Budget: 226.790 EUR
Duration 2011-2014
Coordinator Principal investigator: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
Summary The project helped to gain knowledge in the field chronic disease management by better understanding of causal mechanisms operant within biomedical and psychosocial influences. It identified a number of protective psychological factors (such as sense of coherence, self-management and psychological well-being), as well as social factors (e.g. emotional and instrumental social support, social participation) positively influencing patients’ functional status and quality of life. This knowledge can be utilized in development of patient-centered chronic disease management programmes.
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Study of Regulatory Communication and Risk Awareness Following the Article 31 Referral of Combined Hormonal Contraceptives in Relation to Thromboembolism

National: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
International: University College London, UK, Prof. Fiona Stevenson; Aarhus University Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology, Denmark, Prof. Henrik Toft Sørensen

Duration 2016-2018

National: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
International: University College London, UK, Prof. Fiona Stevenson; Aarhus University Dept. of Clinical Epidemiology, Denmark, Prof. Henrik Toft Sørensen

Summary Research has demonstrated an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in women using combined hormonal contraceptives (CHC). The outcomes of our study suggest that health professionals can play a key role in communicating with women about CHC and its risks and that they need further support in this task. The dissemination of international guidance on CHC, such as that produced by EMA, could also be improved, to ensure that women across Europe are provided with similar standards of health care when it comes to contraception choices.
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KISH: Kosice Institute for Society and Health: Research programme on Chronic diseases

Bilateral Collaboration Agreement between University of Groningen, the Netherlands (RuG) and PJ Safarik University in Kosice (UPJS);
Contract no: GR090707B – management, Budget: 488.583 EUR

Duration 2005-2009 and 2010-2014

National: Dr. Iveta Nagyova
International: Dr. Jitse P van Dijk, University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Summary KISH supported training of PhD students under the collaborative supervision of teams from RuG and UPJS. The overall aim of the PhD projects under Chronic Disease research programme was to provide better insight into the management of chronic disease through examining the biomedical, psychological, and social determinants of poor functional status and quality of life. The programme was a great success. Over the years, 17 PhD students defended their thesis at the University of Groningen (RuG) and the team was granted over 1.2 mil EUR from national and international research agencies. In addition, the project leaders JP van Dijk and Dr. I Nagyova initiated a first ever RuG-UPJS Double PhD degree programme in the field of medical sciences with first PhD students defending their thesis in 2014 (M. Skorvanek, G. Kolvek).
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Article in Universitas Safarikiana:
Link to RuG web-site:
List of defended PhD theses:


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Study at UPJŠ