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Tutorials of selected applications

Using Vibe
Using Vibe on Mac – privacy settings
eZuce, Inc.

Reported issue:
After fresh installation on MAC OSX Vibe client has just crashed immediately after joining the meeting.
We have identified the issue and we are working on the fix. Meanwhile, if you need follow your meetings you can fix this issue by installing previous version of Vibe client for MAC OSX from the link below:
Important: Do not forget to allow all permissions (microphone, camera,…) that Vibe application asks when you will join first time Vibe meeting.
Let us know if it helped to solve your issues.

Recommendation for mobile only users:
The best is to use PC but who is not able to use PC (or MAC) and can just use mobile (iOS or Android) device please use our new WebRTC client which can be reached directly from Web browser (Chrome/Safari) on this link …then just insert your meeting number and Join.