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Department of Anatomy

2minút, 19sekúnd
Šrobárova 2, 041 80 Košice  

The Department of Anatomy has an incremental role in teaching and training of future doctors and dentists at the Faculty of Medicine of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The Department is involved in several award-winning educational projects to enhance the quality of our academic staff and teaching methods. With an increasing number of collaborations and partnerships with other universities of which some are abroad, the Department belongs one of the best at the Faculty.

Research activities held at this Department are no less important and we are currently focusing on the study of selected proteins as possible predictive but also prognostic biomarkers in relation to breast cancer. Apart from that, academic personnel at the Department is conducting the study of the presence of antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidases in experimental animals and the effect of short – and long – term administration of entacapone on activity of antioxidant enzymes and indicators of oxidative stress in the organism of experimental animals.

Working hours

Prof. Ingrid Hodorová, MD., PhD.
Head of the Department of Anatomy

Monday from 13:30 – 15:00 h

The appointment is to be arranged with secretary of the department. N° 055/234 3215


NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS – General Medicine

NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS – Dental Medicine


How to access the Department of Anatomy

  • from the Kostlivého Street, or
  • through a separate entrance from the Šrobárova street, or
  • through the entrance of the UPJŠ Rectorate building.

Sections of the Department of Anatomy

  • on the ground floor – in section A, there are dissection rooms, training rooms, the osteology study room 1
  • on the basement – in section B, there are spaces for storing human material for teaching and for preparing of cadavers
  • on the first floor – in section C, there is the secretariat of the Department of Anatomy, office of the Head of the Department and teaching staff offices; in section D are seminar rooms 1 and 2, osteology study room 2, research laboratories, and cleaner´s room

Study at UPJŠ