This year’s L’Oréal – UNESCO award for women in science in Slovakia, in the category of science of living nature, was awarded to assoc. prof. RNDr. Miroslava Rabajdová, PhD., an employee of the Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, UPJŠ FM whom the committee selected from among 21 nominees. The laureate of this prestigious award in her scientific research activities is dedicated to non-invasive diagnostics in the in vitro fertilization process, using new laboratory possibilities to diagnose embryos with the highest implantation potential and receptivity of the endometrium.
“The award does not belong only to me, it is a recognition of many years of teamwork, interdisciplinary and international collaboration. A big THANK YOU for the mutual cooperation and acceleration of scientific research in the field of infertility especially to the clinical specialists in reproductive medicine, under the leadership of assoc. prof. Silvia Toporcerová, M.D, PhD. working at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics UPJŠ LF and at the Centre of Assisted Reproduction Gyncare. The same thanks goes to her collaborators MVDr. Miroslava Popelková, PhD. and embryologists Mgr. Dominika Šeršen, Dis. and Mgr. Dana Glovová. Many thanks to our colleagues from Brno, especially to the Research Group of prof. Slabý from CEITEC, and all my colleagues from the Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry UPJŠ LF for the creative environment, support and cooperation,” says assoc. prof. Miroslava Rabajdová.