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On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the President of the Slovak Republic, Peter Pellegrini, appointed 21 new university professors, including our colleagues from the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ in Košice. In his speech at Bratislava Castle, he emphasized that the title of professor represents not only professional excellence but also moral and human qualities. All the newly appointed professors share the mission of passing on their knowledge to future generations, which is crucial for society as a whole. The President highlighted that education and professional expertise are strategic for the future of Slovakia and urged the professors to further develop these assets.

Three professors from the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ in Košice received their appointment decrees from the President:

Prof. MUDr. Radoslav Morochovič, PhD., in the field of Surgery

Prof. Morochovič completed his medical studies between 1991 and 1997 in General Medicine at the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ in Košice. He earned his PhD in Surgery in 2005 and was promoted to Associate Professor in Surgery in 2016. Since 1999, he has been a member of the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ, where he teaches Surgery 4, Emergency Medicine, First Aid, Trauma Surgery, and Orthopedics. He began his career as a surgeon at L. Pasteur University Hospital (UNLP) in Košice in 2000 and has specialized as a trauma surgeon since 2006. Prof. Morochovič has contributed to several academic textbooks published domestically, and his research has been cited 128 times in both domestic and international publications indexed by Web of Science and SCOPUS.

Prof. MUDr. Matej Škorvánek, PhD., in the field of Neurology

Prof. Škorvánek graduated in 2008 with a degree in General Medicine (MUDr.) from the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ. In 2014, he earned dual PhDs in Neurology from both the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ and the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He was habilitated in 2018, focusing on the Clinical Aspects of Selected Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Since 2008, he has been working at the Neurology Clinic of the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ and UNLP in Košice. He has also completed professional internships in Prague, London, and Vienna. Prof. Škorvánek leads practical exercises and lectures in Neurology and Scientific Preparation. He is an active member of several domestic and international societies and expert groups, having chaired the European Educational Committee of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society and currently leading its Scientific Evaluation Committee. He also heads the Extrapyramidal Section of the Slovak Neurological Society. As the founder of the Center for Rare Extrapyramidal Diseases in Košice, he is currently leading the Neuro Health Mission project in Slovakia. His expertise is reflected in his extensive publication record, with 116 scientific publications and 1,412 citations in WoS and Scopus, resulting in an H-index of 24.

Prof. RNDr. Janka Vašková, PhD., in the field of Anthropology

Prof. Vašková is currently the head of the Institute of Medical Biology at the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ in Košice. She completed her studies in Biology with a specialization in Anthropology at the Faculty of Science, UPJŠ in Košice from 1993 to 1998, and earned her PhD in Anthropology in 2003 from the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Prešov. She has undertaken study stays at Charles University in Prague, Comenius University in Bratislava (2001), and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Medical Faculty in Pécs, Hungary (2006, 2007, 2008). In 2016, she was habilitated in Anthropology at the University of Prešov, also earning the IIa scientific qualification level. Prof. Vašková is the author of two chapters in scientific monographs, five textbooks or chapters in books, five teaching texts, and 230 scientific papers, 93 of which are indexed in CC, WoS, or Scopus. Her work has been cited 900 times, with 663 citations in the WoS database. She has led several research projects, including VEGA, and has supervised five PhD students in Clinical Biochemistry and one in Anthropology. Her research focuses on the effects of substances with antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties on the body, as well as evaluating treatment outcomes and patient prognoses by detecting changes in selected antioxidant markers.

We sincerely congratulate the newly appointed professors and wish them continued success in their professional and personal endeavors!


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