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We stand with our students from Turkey and Syria

The management of UPJŠ, Faculty of Medicine headed by the Dean prof. MUDr. Peter Jarčuška, PhD. expresses solidarity to our students coming from Turkey and Syria and offers them support in case of solving the difficult situation related to the devastating earthquake that occurred on Monday, February 6, 2023.
10. February 2023

Dean´s Day Off

Dean of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice,The Faculty of Medicine prof. Daniel Pella, M.D., PhD. grants a Dean´s Day Off on November 18, 2022 (Friday) due to the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day There are not any classes on the given day. prof. Daniel Pella, M.D.,PhD.Dean of the FM UPJŠ Document
16. November 2022

Information meeting for ERASMUS+

The Department of Foreign Relations prepared an information meeting for those interested in mobility (study / traineeship) within the ERASMUS+ program for AY 2023/2024. An information session will be held on December 1, 2022, on Thursday, at FM in the PA room (1st floor) at 3:00 p.m. The faculty coordinator will provide you with the … Continued
15. November 2022

Additional elections to the Student part of the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM

Based on Decree no. 171 of 21 September 2022 and according to Articles 13 and 13a of Election Rules to the Academic senate of UPJŠ FM the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM announces that the additional elections of four representatives of UPJŠ FM students to the Student part of the Academic Senate of UPJŠ FM will take place on 18 October 2022 from 8.00 to 16.00...

21. September 2022

Information for interested students from Ukraine about studying at UPJŠ FM

Students from Ukraine have the opportunity to study at the UPJŠ Medical Faculty in Košice medical and non-medical study programs in the Slovak language or medical SP in English language under the fulfilment of generally valid conditions, i. e submitting the application for the next academic year 2022/2023 and successfully managing the admission interviews...

24. June 2022

Study at UPJŠ